Letters: The self-righteous right is seeking to erode Idahoans’ rights and freedoms | Opinion

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White Christian Nationalism, bigotry, hate, divisive rhetoric and chaos are not random any more than Hitler’s Brown Shirt violence in the streets was just random. There is a powerful national effort to deny history, eliminate separation of church and state and promote authoritarianism. The First Amendment is supposed to prevent the havoc and bloodshed in the name of religion. Unless we want to be told what to read, how to think, what we can protest, we need to pay attention and vote to resist suppression by the “self-righteous right”.

Sheila Robbins, Boise

Gun laws have to change

I recently wrote to both Senator Crapo, and Senator Risch about the ongoing gun violence in this country. I had three conditions in my letter. 1) They must answer my letter. 2) They can’t mention the 2nd amendment. I know what it is, but right now it is interfering in victims of gun violence right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 3) They can’t blame mental health issues for the gun violence in this country. This just adds to the stigma, and prevents people from seeking care. Many of the recent shootings were by people with no history of mental illness. Also, these mental unstable shooters legally obtain their guns.

Risch wrote back mansplaining the second amendment to me. Crapo wrote about the poor mental health care in this country, and his efforts to improve the system. They not only do nothing to protect their constituents, they also can’t follow simple instructions! Write, call, send up a flair to our so called representatives in Washington. We need action. We need change.

Michal Voloshen, Boise

Vaping is dangerous

Your GOP legislators don’t give a rip about your kids. Here’s what is happening in full view of a so-called pro-life base. Vape shops within walking distance of grade schools. Kids and teens vaping at epidemic rates. When vape businesses have expired vapes they box them up and put them in dumpsters for children to rifle through, suck on, and frequently deal. Vape oil is treated with detergent, which permanently scars lungs. These stores should be miles away from kids, but having businesses make money is the only thing that counts. Next time they spout pro-life show them damaged lung pictures.

Diane Sower, Boise

WIC reform needed

WIC provides healthy foods tailored to meet the nutritional needs of mothers and their children during pregnancy, breastfeeding, infancy, and childhood. Good nutrition during a child’s first years is vital to ensuring they succeed in school and lead healthy and productive lives. Over the past couple of years, when mothers were able to remotely certify eligibility for WIC and receive benefits, child participation rates in the program increased by 12 percent nationwide. This bipartisan Modern WIC Act would build upon that success. The Modern WIC Act is a commonsense bill that would allow mothers and caregivers to certify their eligibility for WIC by video or telephone. It would improve access to WIC services and benefits, and boost participation rates by removing obstacles that prevent mothers from enrolling in and staying enrolled in the program. These include access to transportation, taking time off work, and arranging for childcare. I encourage Rep. Russ Fulcher, Rep. Mike Simpson, Sen. Jim Risch, Sen. Mike Crapo, and all members of congress in Washington DC, to support this important effort.

Dawn Pierce, Boise

On kings

Australia is seriously considering leaving the monarchy and becoming a democracy. America is seriously considering the opposite.

For some 100 years our Presidents have gradually been usurping the powers of Congress and becoming more king-like. Donald Trump’s attempt to dump a presidential election and install himself as a long-term occupant of the White House brought us very close to this future.

Mr. Trump invites his followers to participate in the glitter of Mar-a-Lago, the glory of untrammeled power, and the majesty of his infallibility and closeness to God, just as the British monarch does with Buckingham, the scepter, and his anointing as King.

The former president achieves all this outside of law through constant flattery of his base, much like his flattery of women. But after the flattery subsides, our would-be king then proceeds to take away the dignity of his admirers.

I’m sticking with democracy. How about you?

Kimball Shinkoskey, Woods Cross, Utah