Letters: Support right to life, Death with Dignity bill and Adam Steiner in District 3

Country founded on right to life of all human beings, born and unborn

The abortion issue is not merely a difference of opinion. It is a matter of fact. When we say that two plus two is four, we are not expressing an opinion. We are expressing a mathematical fact. Those who deny this fact are not expressing an opinion. They are making a misstatement.

So, too, when we say that abortion kills human beings, we are not expressing an opinion. We are stating a biological fact. Those who deny this fact are not expressing an opinion. They are making a misstatement.

Pregnancy is not a disease. Abortion is not healthcare. Induced abortion is the direct and deliberate destruction of the most helpless members of our human family, the innocent unborn. It is the ultimate child abuse. Except for age and size, the only difference between the child before birth and the child after birth is place of residence.

The fate of the first and most fundamental right, upon which our nation was founded­ the "unalienable" right to life of all human beings, born and unborn, lies now in the hands of nine U.S. Supreme Court Justices. Let us pray that right reason will prevail and that they will restore to all Americans, born and unborn, their creator-endowed right to life.

Richard A. Carey, Needham

Ask your state legislators to support the Death with Dignity bill

I appreciate what our legislature has done this year to help the state recover from the impact of the pandemic. There’s another piece of important legislation that I would like our legislature to pass, the Death with Dignity bill.

It would offer terminally ill people the option of medical aid in dying when their pain and suffering becomes intolerable. Similar laws have already been passed in 10 other states plus Washington D.C. Our bill currently has 66 House sponsors and 18 sponsors in the Senate.

Many doctors say that not all pain can be "managed" at the end of life. That’s a euphemistic way of saying what many of us have observed: there is often excruciating pain involved. Someday, it will be considered barbaric to allow people to die that way.

Please contact your legislators (masslegislature.gov), especially Senate President Karen Spilka, and urge them to call the co-chairs of the Public Health Committee to pass the Death with Dignity bills H.2381 and S.1384 as soon as possible. That is the first important step toward the full Legislature passing it next year.

It would be a compassionate gift to the 70%-plus of citizens who have expressed their desire for the option of a peaceful, painless death.

Lisa Widawsky, Northborough

Reelect Adam Steiner as Framingham's District 3 city councilor

Adam Steiner needs your vote on Jan. 11 to re-elect him as Framingham District 3 city councilor.

Framingham needs Adam’s leadership and experience. In 2019, his City Council colleagues elected him council vice chair and chair of the Finance Committee.

Adam centers decisions on constituents' needs. Adam listens and responds to their questions and concerns. Adam celebrates the people and places that make D3 a wonderful place to live and work.

Vote for Adam on Jan. 11 to continue his excellent work for D3 and all of Framingham.

Learn about Adam’s commitment to education, the environment, seniors, and all Framingham, at steinerforframingham.com

Norma Shulman, former president, Framingham Townwide PTO and 27-year Town Meeting member, Framingham

As former chair of the Framingham Economic Development Industrial Corporation, the Framingham Downtown Renaissance, and as an attorney, I work constantly with small businesses. As a result, I am personally interested in who serves on City Council. In the District 3 election, Adam Steiner is the best candidate.

His re-election is crucial if Framingham is to continue to make economic progress, especially the downtown. Adam’s experience and involvement will ensure that the business community has a friend and advocate to help build an environment that creates jobs, tax revenue and opportunities for all.

Please join me in supporting Adam Steiner.

Michael G. Gatlin, District 6, Framingham

We write to offer our support for Adam Steiner for Framingham City Council in the January 11 special election. Throughout his tenure, Adam has been a consistent, steady, and thoughtful partner.

As finance chair, Adam helped secure state funding for a city-wide free wireless internet pilot program to provide internet access to all Framingham residents. This kind of collaboration with local government is invaluable, and Adam is accessible, open-minded, and focused on our shared service — a true leader.

As we transition into a new administration, Adam’s experience, leadership, and team-first mentality make him the right choice for Framingham District 3.

State Reps. Jack Patrick Lewis and Maria Robinson, Framingham

I support Adam Steiner for District 3 City Councilor because he has been and will be a dedicated City Councilor.

Adam does his homework, participates in discussions, and makes appropriate amendments to the motions. Adam has been an involved City Council member as chair of the Finance Subcommittee where he effectively leads the subcommittee and is vice-chair of the Council where he has capably acted as chair when necessary.

While others may focus on personal agendas, Adam has shown that his allegiance is not to any one individual or any one group but to what he knows is right.

Joel Winett, former longtime Town Meeting member and town moderator, Framingham

As an educator and parent of two Framingham High School graduates, I know that Framingham must adequately support our schools. That’s why I’m supporting Adam Steiner for District 3 Council.

Adam knows education — both he and his wife are public school educators. He also knows Framingham — he grew up here and has two children that have gone through FPS.

Lastly, as chair of the council’s finance subcommittee, he has experience looking deeply at issues to make sure we get the most we can from every dollar spent. District 3, please join me in supporting Adam for Council!

Adam Blumer, Framingham

Having worked directly with both candidates, either on the City Council or SIFOC, the clear choice for District 3 is Adam Steiner. Framingham is best served when there is a diversity of opinions. I have witnessed how Adam has effectively used his independent voice. He stands up to proposals when he believes they are not in the best interest of his district and Framingham.

Adam has experience we can trust. He also has perspective as a parent of children in our public schools. I encourage the voters of District 3 to re-elect Adam Steiner.

Robert Case, Framingham City Council, District 5, former chair, SIFOC, former chair Precinct 8, Town Meeting, Framingham

This article originally appeared on MetroWest Daily News: Letters: Support right to life, Death with Dignity bill and Adam Steiner in District 3