Letters: Teachers are tough; remove trees; repeal tax; PAs are needed; 'All Lives Matter'

It takes grit to be a teacher

It takes a certain level of grit to be an educator. This came to light even more so when teachers pivoted to virtual instruction as a way to keep learning environments in motion for students. While many praised educators for their efforts during this rapid shift, the added stress led to heightened burnout, prompting many to leave the profession entirely.

As Indiana school corporations grapple with short supply, they are also left scrambling to not only find full-time teachers, but also substitutes. According to a study led by Indiana State University, roughly 97% of schools in Indiana are reporting a teacher shortage. Indiana is taking steps to try to ease this strain through a new teacher supply and demand marketplace designed to show vacancies across the state.

However, in order to fill those openings, we need more people interested in shaping the next generation. Flexible, affordable and online competency-based programs like WGU Indiana provide accessible pathways for all students — regardless of age, location, economic status or other potential barriers.

It is clear this ongoing teacher shortage crisis is here to stay unless we take action. We must create access to education from all angles, starting with our educators.

Alison Bell, WGU Indiana Chancellor and Regional Vice President, Indianapolis

Help remove invasive pear trees

I once saw a bumper sticker that read, "Trees are the answer." I like that. It's a safe message that doesn't spew my personal beliefs to the world. The phrase is also accurate, considering the many ecological services native trees provide to humans and animals. However, I believe one tree is simply evil: the Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana) and all its cultivars.

You ask, "Why such disdain for the poor Callery pear? I thought they were planted as a beautiful landscape tree." That was true, but they have now escaped the landscaping realm and invaded natural spaces.

They plague open areas, growing faster than and displacing the native plants that would have grown there, providing food to insects and birds. Yet, they contribute almost no ecological services. And to top off their mischievousness, they protect themselves with thorns, and they stink!

Happily, this year the Callery pear is the MC-IRIS invasive species candidate for the Reduce One Invasive Species Challenge. By removing a Callery pear from your landscape, you can receive a free native tree with which to replace it. There are eight from which to choose. Find out the details at www.mc-iris.org.

Linda Thompson, Bloomington

Time to repeal food and beverage tax

Now that the Bloomington City Council (BCC) has imposed an income tax increase in excess of 50% on all Monroe County residents, completely disregarding its impact on the slightly more than 43% of all county residents who do not live in Bloomington, I call upon the Monroe County Council (MCC) to repeal the Food and Beverage tax (F&BT).

The MCC can do so unilaterally, and although the savings to all county residents would not offset the increase in the local income tax, it would make a difference, especially for those who often eat at local restaurants or purchase prepared food at stores. Moreover, since the F&BT was always primarily a gift to the city and a substantial portion of it was used during the pandemic for purposes not covered in the enabling legislation, its repeal would surely please a great many county residents and probably even many Bloomington residents. It would also tangibly respond for once to the disdain for Monroe County government and non-Bloomington residents regularly exhibited by Mayor Hamilton and the BCC.

I urge others to contact their MCC representative and the three at-large representatives and support this call.

Thomas Mathiesen, Ellettsville

PAs ready to combat healthcare work shortage

The recent guest column by Richard Feldman titled, “A health care provider’s perspective on the Indiana General Assembly 2022 session,” painted an inaccurate portrait of healthcare in Indiana and the value physician assistants (PAs) bring to our nation’s efforts to expand patients’ access to care.

Feldman stated that removing administrative barriers and allowing PAs to practice to their full capabilities and training is inconsistent with optimal quality care. That isn’t true. PAs are highly educated clinicians who complete thousands of hours of training during clinical rotations. This rigorous education and training equips them to provide high-quality and safe patient care. Without PAs treating patients, the grim healthcare workforce shortage already facing the U.S. would be even greater.

Outdated laws and regulations shouldn’t hinder healthcare professionals from providing the care they are educated and trained to give. In Indiana, PAs working in primary care provide critical access to care that some patients may otherwise not have. In 2021, there were around 300 PAs working in primary care in Indiana.

Feldman also stated that some patients are confused about who is providing their medical care. We agree. That’s why the Indiana Academy of PAs (IAPA) supports efforts to provide clarity and transparency to the patient to ensure they know who is providing their care. Patients deserve to understand that PAs don’t merely “assist” a physician in treatment — they are essential members of a team providing excellent patient care.

Courtney Doran, Zionsville

Thoughts about 'All Lives Matter' claim

Kyle Reynolds and Turning Point USA are suing for permission to post the message “All Lives Matter” on Bloomington’s public streets. Their claim to free speech rights should certainly be seriously considered, and it may help clarify the rules so the public can better understand city and university regulations.

Turning Point and Reynolds want you to think that BLM is a demand for some sort of special status for Blacks. But their assertion is simply a bad faith response to BLM. BLM is simply a plea for equal treatment for all by police officers. Surely by now we have learned about a driver yanked out of her car by her hair, an unarmed man shot 17 times in his back and notorious knee-on-the-neck killing.

This lawsuit should be seen for what it is — an obvious attempt to undermine and distort the already-posted message: “Black Lives Matter.”

Stan Shapiro, Bloomington

Meals on Wheels needs volunteers

We have been volunteers for Meals on Wheels for many years. We would like to invite you to learn more about Meals on Wheels and our mission.

For 49 years, Bloomington Meals on Wheels (MOW) has engaged an army of volunteers to deliver nutritious meals to Bloomington residents who are homebound and unable to prepare healthy meals due to chronic illness, severe disability or advanced age. As needs have increased, the Bloomington community has generously supported MOW, both in funds and time, to expand capacity to serve more people.

As our population ages and needs continue to grow, MOW expanded yet again. We are now offering mobile food pantry services in addition to traditional Meals on Wheels. Bloomington residents who are homebound or don’t have transportation to reach other food pantries can now order online at BloomingtonMealsonWheels.org/groceries-to-go.

As MOW volunteers and board members, we are asking Bloomingtonians for their help. Volunteering one weekday per month, for an hour and a half over lunchtime, provides your Bloomington neighbor with nutrition, kindness, human interaction and safety. You can join us by signing up at BloomingtonMealsonWheels.org/volunteer-2. We hope you consider joining us.

Board members Carol Weiss Kennedy and Missy Santa, Bloomington

This article originally appeared on The Herald-Times: Letters on recruiting new teachers, an All Lives Matter lawsuit, more