Letters: Tighter regulations needed on charter schools to protect tax dollars

Richard Corcoran, the Commissioner of the Florida Department of Education.
Richard Corcoran, the Commissioner of the Florida Department of Education.

In his July 14 column, Mark Woods stated that in 1999, Duval County had seven charter schools. Now it is up to 34, and with a statewide charter school authorizer created by SB 758 this year, the number could potentially grow. We need to ask state legislators to sponsor bills that will protect our tax dollars.

Here are some ideas:

  1. Keep buildings funded with tax dollars within the public school system. Change the rules for capital outlay funding going to charter schools. For example: Capital outlay funding must only go to schools housed in buildings where the profits will go to the school district if the building is sold. Because of the profiteering aspect of leasing, capital outlay funding can no longer be used for leasing.

  2. Charter schools that get a D or F rating two years in a row must close, turn over to another charter school or pay an outside vendor as district schools are required to do.

  3. The State Board of Education should have at least two members who have been teachers in a Florida traditional public school for at least 20 years. Every other member must have a child in a traditional public school or whose children graduated from a Florida traditional public school.

  4. New charter schools must always get a zoning change so the community can be notified.

In the July 11 school board meeting, District 7 member Lori Hershey explained that the school board has no control over charter schools. Control of charter schools is left to state legislators.

We need to ask our state legislators to sponsor bills that will protect our tax dollars, as funding and other decisions about charter schools are being made at the state level.

Please don’t vote on school board members based on their views on charter schools. Vote for who will make the district schools great.

Susan Aertker, Jacksonville 

Conservatives miss the point of public education

Florida Governor Ron Desantis speaks to attendees during the first Moms for Liberty National Summit on July 15 in Tampa.
Florida Governor Ron Desantis speaks to attendees during the first Moms for Liberty National Summit on July 15 in Tampa.

I am a retired elementary school teacher and principal from the public education system. I was dismayed at the July 16 article in the Metro section of the Florida Times-Union, headlined “Gov tells conservative Moms to ‘fight.’”

These moms (and our state leader) are missing the point of public education and why it is so important to keep our democracy alive.

The U.S. Constitution starts with the Preamble: "We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

The purpose of public education is not to cater to one political group or serve at the pleasure of a government leader. Education is not about controlling others. It is about the independence and freedom of all individuals. It is about unity, not division.

Public education is also about teaching facts. Without facts, you can't have truth and without truth, you cannot have trust. A shared reality is necessary for a democracy.

Public schools enhance these concepts by teaching civic virtues — honesty, respect, responsibility and self-discipline. These virtues are necessary to maintain a culture of freedom, as well as the rule of law and order.

Teachers, administrators, and school boards need support from parents and political leaders. They do not need to be told what and how to teach. Perhaps Moms for Liberty and our governor would do a better job of making our Democracy safe by going back to a rule we teach students in kindergarten: Treat people the way you want to be treated.

Maggie Barker, Jacksonville Beach

Concerns over recent UF funding

Douglas Ray’s article in the Times-Union on July 17 reported on a disturbing process that resulted in $3 million of unrequested funding from the Florida Legislature to the Hamilton Center for Classical and Civic Education at the University of Florida.  

The college already houses the Bob Graham Center for Public Service, which focuses on civic engagement and the public good, works collaboratively with a University of Central Florida center and advises the legislature on civic education.

Ray indicated that the request originated with something called the Council on Public University Reform, the credentials of which are not readily available for public review. Taxpayers are footing the bill for a center, the goals of which can be subsumed by the Graham Center as it considers varied points of view.

This maneuver is yet another example of intrusion into the sustained, well-grounded workings of a university, part of a Florida system recognized thus far for its excellence and commitment to open inquiry, as well as curricular diversity. Programs and courses within our public universities are scrutinized by committees of experts, based on research and best practice, to reflect the guidance of professional national and international organizations.

Do we dare flout a rigorous system of design and review that has produced productive, innovative practitioners and scholars who are proud graduates of our state universities?

We must be wary of brash, simplistic moves to “reform” a structure of higher education that has evolved over time. Input into educational institutions is desirable and welcome. However, I am deeply worried that our higher education institutions are at risk of losing quality faculty and students because of ill-advised political intrusion.

Marianne Barnes, Jacksonville Beach

Vegan diet worth a try

A tray of vegetables and hummus
A tray of vegetables and hummus

A July 19 Times-Union story states that the vegetarian diet will lower obesity rates, as well as decrease risks for diabetes, cancer, arthritis, and heart disease. In addition, this diet lowers our carbon imprint on the environment.

You have to ask yourself: Why doesn't every American adopt this diet for a longer and healthier life? I have been talking to my patients about a plant-based or whole food diet for almost 10 years. What I see is lower blood sugar, even though they are eating more carbohydrates. I also see much lower LDL (bad cholesterol) when patients adopt the diet. In general, almost every patient feels better on a vegan diet.

Research has shown that animal protein causes inflammation in our bodies triggering arthritis and autoimmune diseases, as well as atherosclerosis in our arteries. Animal proteins may also lead to damaged DNA, which is linked to certain cancers.

I show my patients several books and even cookbooks on the subject. I also point out free internet videos to learn more. My experience so far in changing patients' diets has been disappointing. Only one out of 10 patients listen to what I have to say and fewer than that actually change their diet.

My conclusion is that animal proteins are firmly ingrained in our culture and our diet. I wonder which is worse — an addiction to nicotine or addiction to meat. All it takes is a trial of the vegan style diet to realize how food can taste delicious without consuming meat. Your motto should be “eat to live,” not “live to eat.”

William V. Choisser, MD, Jacksonville 

How do nonbelievers cope with tragedy?

The author of a July 10 column, Herb Gartner, is correct in his statement that one can attempt to lead a moral life without a belief in God. Goodness knows that even believers often fall short of an exemplary life. His second point is that God cannot possibly exist with so much suffering in the world. The lessons learned in Sunday school apparently don’t comport with the realities of adulthood.

To paraphrase C.S. Lewis, “I believe the sun rises, not only because I see it, but also by it I can see everything else.” Faith brings clarity to the choices we make every day: good over evil, trust over fear, love over hate, gentleness over cruelty, forbearance over intolerance, humility over arrogance and truth over falsehood. God makes no guarantees about this life other than the peace to be found knowing we are loved by an infinite power.

An acquaintance of mine lost a child, a recent college grad, in a car accident caused by an oncoming drunk driver. When I inquired and offered sympathy, her only response was “God is good.” How do we explain the value of faith to this mother? The author listed the suffering of numerous individuals as evidence that God does not exist; what peace could be offered to them?

Charles Stambaugh, Esq., Jacksonville 

State must keep Alzheimer’s a priority

Alzheimer’s disease is at crisis levels in Florida. More than 580,000 people are living with the disease and that number is expected to grow in the coming years. I know personally about its brutality.

I can speak from experience; since my grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, it changed her life and that of our family. Although Alzheimer’s is challenging, we learned that it was a way for us to give back to my grandmother since she sacrificed and gave so much for us and others. It changed our perspective and caring for her was a gift to us.

I am thankful to our champions in Congress, who support all federal legislation from the Alzheimer’s Association, and have been strong advocates for the cause. They are such staunch allies.

I hope that Florida and our elected officials continue to support Alzheimer’s and prioritize our friends, family members and loved ones impacted by this disease. I am confident that we can one day find a cure and a world without Alzheimer’s.

Sherri P. Walker, Jacksonville 

City roadways are shameful

Westbound Arlington Expressway approaching University Boulevard shows worn asphalt on he road and exit ramp.
Westbound Arlington Expressway approaching University Boulevard shows worn asphalt on he road and exit ramp.

As reported on July 13, a reader wrote to Dan Scanlan about the condition of the Arlington Expressway, noting "It's almost down to sand. What an embarrassment."

I'd like to point out many other heavily traveled roadways that are crumbling: Southside Expressway from Philips Highway to Beach Boulevard has broken asphalt and holes so deep that cars may need realignments; Beach Boulevard from I-295 east to the Intracoastal Waterway with more pits, holes and crumbling asphalt; add to that the deep holes on Kernan Boulevard from Beach to Atlantic boulevards.

It's a hazard to attempt to miss or straddle the holes without hitting the car on either side of you. It is also an embarrassment and shameful that a city the size of Jacksonville neglects our roadways.

Lina Ingraham, Jacksonville

No public funds for charters

Now that the grades are out, and charter schools have shown themselves to be significantly less effective than their public counterparts in the actual teaching of children, can we please stop supporting them with public funds? Also, where is Rory Diamond, the most vocal proponent of privatizing education, now that his golden idea has turned into such a colossal failure? If public schools put up the testing numbers that the charter schools did, the superintendent would be fired.

Mr. Diamond should issue a public apology, withdraw his support for this waste of taxpayer’s money and resign his position on the council.

Mike Lawrence, Avondale

Charter school goals not met

The recently released school rankings were notable for two things -- the overall improvement in the Duval public school rankings, and the number of charter schools that scored Ds and Fs.

The sole reason for creating charter schools was to improve the educational product. It seems to me that if they don't accomplish that goal then they should lose their taxpayer funding.

Carlton Higginbotham, Spring Park

This article originally appeared on Florida Times-Union: Letters: Tighten regulations on charter schools to protect tax dollars