Letters: When used judiciously, executive sessions benefit public interest

Cincinnati City Hall photographed on Wednesday, June 23, 2021.
Cincinnati City Hall photographed on Wednesday, June 23, 2021.

While there is a public interest in City Council carrying out its business with transparency, Cincinnati’s city charter and state law allow for executive sessions, and there are a few limited but critically important instances when council should use them to avoid harm to the municipal corporation.

Sensitive matters that the mayor and council must address − such as pending litigation, labor negotiations and significant real estate transactions, not to mention evaluating the city manager − require confidential dialogue to manage effectively. Executive sessions are essential to enable council to have serious and candid discussion so they can provide informed and unified direction to their negotiators. These matters are of unusual consequence, not routine, and frequently with substantial financial implications.

Executive sessions do not allow decisions to be made privately; any formal action must be adopted in an open meeting of City Council. Hamilton County commissioners use executive sessions routinely without public criticism, and City Council should do the same when appropriate. In 2018, Cincinnati voters approved the Executive Sessions Charter Amendment (Issue 12) with a 77% affirmative vote. The city can benefit when council judiciously uses the power given to them by their constituents.

Beth Sullebarger, Past President, Woman’s City Club of Greater Cincinnati

Instead of politicians, let a panel of citizens choose district maps

It is clear that neither political party is capable of being fair about drawing lines to create district maps. I suggest that a board of citizens be impaneled to do this work with enough lead time not to be rushed. Civic and benevolent organizations could nominate candidates to do the work. The Ohio Supreme Court could accept nominees whose names are put into a hopper and chosen at random. The panel could be sequestered for several days at state expense to choose the maps from the many that have been drawn by several professionals and amateurs who have spent time drawing them. Citizens work.

Priscilla O'Donnell, Pendleton

This article originally appeared on Cincinnati Enquirer: Letters: When used judiciously, executive sessions benefit public interest