Letters: Write-in candidate seeks Licking County statehouse seat

Newark write-in candidate seeks statehouse seat

Our Democratic Republic is endangered. The extremists are rising as trust in our institutions has reached new lows and produced the imminent threat of authoritarianism. Yet, these conditions have been festering for decades. This is what happens when a system no longer responds to the needs of its citizens.

Not only have those in control of our economic and political design ignored or undermined the welfare of the general public, but they have also fanned the flames of resentment between groups within the populace. Feeding into bigotry and fears of change, cowardly politicians like Thad Claggett have sat back and enjoyed the fruits of a society deeply divided. Let’s be clear, the Democrats have their significant share of the blame for this (and that is a discussion for a later date), but no organization has benefited from it or contributed to it more than the Republican Party.

I soundly reject this division of the people; pitting straight people against the LGBT+ community, demonizing the homeless, attacking reproductive rights, fear-mongering against religious minorities, ignoring racism and abuse of authority, looking down our collective noses at the less fortunate, weakening democracy, and sewing distrust against your neighbor. While Mr. Claggett is content with being a political banshee panic-screaming about every hint of societal progress, I see the greatness in our potential. We are better than what the Republicans want us to believe we are, and that’s why I’m running as a write-in candidate for the 68th District of Ohio’s House of Representatives.

Daniel Crawford, Newark

Newark officials must act on homelessness

I'd like to compliment The Advocate for the excellent spread regarding homelessness in Licking County (Sunday, Aug. 21, 2022.) It is hard to imagine anyone not being moved by the stories of the individuals facing such hopelessness.

Compassion aside, the factual information, regarding the cost of rent versus wages, should make it easy to understand the plight of our neighbors who struggle with low wages and homelessness.

Although I was not present at the meeting and do not know its full content, I am writing this because I feel it takes insensitivity and or fear to not respond to extremely disparaging remarks at the meeting. Kudos to Linda Mossholder, a volunteer with Newark Homeless Outreach. She was the one present to speak up on behalf of our marginalized community in question.

In closing, I hope that our elected officials will spend time looking into our local community service agencies and see how they operate. They may find that none are in the business of simply providing "handouts" but rather, offer needed support to individuals and families as they work toward the goal of self-sufficiency.

Roberta McDonald, Newark

Action needed for the future of Don Edwards Park

The YMCA has performed a dedicated and admirable job in overseeing Don Edwards Park for 12 years… special kudos to Phil Henthorn and crew. However, make no mistake, all responsibility for the success, failure or future of Edwards Park falls squarely on the City of Newark.

Annual meetings are “contractually required” to determine the viability of Edwards Park. We tried to obtain meeting records for 2017-2020 but were informed that no records exist.

Caroline Clippinger, in Legal, obtained minutes and financials from the 2021 meeting. That confirmed that 2021 was the sixth consecutive year of significant losses at Edwards Park. Expenditures were $520,000, with only $307,000 in revenue…for a facility only open for approximately 95 “in season” playing dates plus multiple Sundays in the fall.

Those minutes demonstrate City officials in attendance sitting on their hands—never once addressing the financials that challenge the Park’s survival…well over $2,000,000 in renovations will be due in as early as 10 years.

Some City officials justify park losses by the increase in room rentals and restaurant use…1,170 additional room rentals. Does the City have any idea that the Park lost $182 per room night… square that! Does the City realize that for the last two tournaments in 2022, Edwards held 70 games and area high schools and Denison held 114 games?

We want Edwards Park to survive for 50 years, but the City is likely uninformed and certainly not engaged. Stop hitting the snooze button and provide some direction and leadership!

Dave Froelich, Newark

Addiction treatment works

The 2022 National Recovery Month theme is “Recovery is For Everyone: Every Person, Every Family, Every Community.” This year’s theme reminds us that while the path towards recovery can be different, recovery is available to everyone.

While we celebrate the stories of those now free of addiction, it is important to note that in our world, we never do our work alone. We must thank community-based substance use treatment programs, drug courts, support groups, public health, and loved ones, for it is with their help that thousands of people find the road to recovery each year.

Treatment for addiction is as successful as treatment for other chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and asthma, yet it is still complex. Drug and alcohol addiction is a chronic relapsing brain disease. Treatment helps return the individual to productive functioning in the family, workplace and community, and it saves lives. The benefits of treatment accrue to individuals and their friends and families, but to society as well.

According to CDC, Ohio’s drug overdose rate was fourth highest in the nation, and over 100,000 people died from drug overdoses in the US, more than any other year on record, per National Center for Health Statistics. Research shows that, a year after treatment, drug use was reduced by 50 percent, criminal activity dropped by 80 percent, employment increased, and homelessness and dependence on public assistance decreased.

During National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, let us take a moment to remember that treatment is effective and that lives can change because of it.

Tia Marcel Moretti, President, Lighthouse Behavioral Health Solutions, Newark

Browns wrong to sign Watson

As a Newark native and former sports writer who covered the Cleveland Browns for the Associated Press (1968-72), I am shocked the Browns signed quarterback Deshaun Watson for $320 million after 25 women accused him of sex impropriety. I would rather lose every game with Baker Mayfield than one game with Watson, who fits Oakland owner Al Davis' philosophy of "Just win, baby!" Republican J.D. Vance runs for Senate and okays violence in marriage, Rep. Jim Jordan is a goon for ex-Prez traitor and criminal Trump, and Trump owns Ohio voters. I expected more from Cleveland, which historically holds Democratic values and was a wonderful place to live, no "Mistake By The Lake." Whatever happened to the values Ohioans had when I was a Newark kid of 12 and used to watch Ken Coleman's TV broadcasts of Otto Graham's NFL championship team of 1954? Are there any standards left in the Buckeye State, or does everyone have to flee like the 10-year-old raped girl who couldn't get an abortion there?

John Skinner, Punta Gorda, Florida

This article originally appeared on Newark Advocate: Letters: Write-in candidate seeks Licking County statehouse seat