Liberty Energy CEO Chris Wright says the public opposition to oil is only driving business to other countries.

Liberty Energy CEO Chris Wright says the public opposition to oil is only driving business to other countries.

Its sort of naive and misdirected government belief. And it's not just this Administration. It's been around for a long time that somehow a few more wit solar panels and wind turbines are going to reduce the demand for oil. They're not, they're simply not but this this sort of policy public opposition to oil and gas development has just driven production offshore.

It doesn't reduce greenhouse gas emissions. That doesn't clean the air, but it's a political misunderstanding of energy and climate change that's a growing factor. And I think probably the biggest new factor why the world has an energy crisis today, why natural gas prices are just insanely high in Europe and why oil markets are tight and likely to remain tight for years. We need a little more sobriety and understanding of energy.