Library plans parenting workshop on The Basics

Oct. 2—MOULTRIE — By age 3, most children have developed 80% of their brain growth, according to a press release from the Moultrie-Colquitt County Library, which is planning a workshop to help parents prepare their young children for success in school and in life.

The Basics Principles are five simple ways to help boost child brain development. Parents and caregivers of children ages 0-5 are invited to enjoy a free workshop on The Basics 6-7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 10, at the Moultrie-Colquitt County Library, 204 Fifth St. S.E.

Families will enjoy a free Chick-fil-A meal while watching a brief overview video of The Basics. After dinner, families can enjoy hands-on activities with their children at five stations to experience principles of The Basics in action and learn how to implement these through daily interactions with their children.

"The Basics Principles are free and don't require fancy toys or extra hours in the day," the library said. "They can be incorporated into families' everyday routines. Participants can also sign up for free Basics Insights, a twice-weekly text message that provides more family fun activities to do with children."

The Basics Colquitt County initiative is made possible by support from The United Way of Colquitt County and The Sandra Deal Center for Early Language and Literacy. The Basics Colquitt County began as a project of the Youth Development and Education (YDE) committee, formed by the University of Georgia Colquitt County Archway Partnership.

YDE team members recognized that Colquitt County had initiatives to promote literacy and academic success for kids, the library said. However, there were no programs available to support the development of very young children, parents, or caregivers.

In 2022, the YDE team adopted The Basics Principles to help children thrive from birth no matter their background.

Since 2022, The Basics Colquitt County has distributed materials to local individuals and organizations to promote the curriculum. The Basics Colquitt County continues to seek new partners to promote The Basics principles throughout the community.

To get involved, or for questions on the workshop, contact Erin Honeycutt at, (229) 985-6540, or visit