Lights, camera, vampires; Movie company looking to settle in area

Nov. 30—A movie company is looking to pump blood into the local economy.

That's partly because the movie it will be working on is about vampires with scenes to be filmed in the area, John Reign, Polestar Pictures' founder said. Filming could begin as early as March.

"We're looking at a bar in downtown Sharon and maybe places in New Castle as well," Reign said.

Hot Shots bar in Masury has already been used by Reign in filming with a couple local actors — including bar owner Mike Martin.

Locations to house the business in Hermitage or Sharon are underway with hopes of up to 40 eventually being on the payroll, he said.

He and other members of his team have family ties to the local area. This upcoming film will be part of the "Vampire Penance" trilogy of films in the making.

But it won't be a gory, Reign promised.

"It's about the folklore and legend of vampires and how good overcomes evil," he said.

An acknowledged "B" film producer and director who has crafted dozens of movies, Reign said this one will have strong financial backing in the seven-figure range.

New members joining his company include Joe Sabatino, co-executive producer for the award-winning television series "Necessary Roughness," which aired on the USA Television Network, Polestar's website said.

Other principals include Mark Weiss who has over 30 years in the music business and Daniel Sanchez who served as president and chief operating officer of American Life TV Network.

Reign had an unusual entrance into the entertainment world. An Elvis Presley impersonator he toured the West Coast with a full band, singers, and dancers. Also a magician he performed on stages which eventually lead him to directing jobs for FOX TV and PBS.

Behind the camera work can be mentally draining. Everything from pitching movies to attract investors to hiring actors falls in Reign's lap.

"One day I was on the phone for 15 hours lining things up," he said.

Reign is determined he will have artistic control over the entire movie.

"There's no producers who are going to be around on my set," he said.

This isn't the first time the area has rubbed elbows with the movie industry. The 1988 film "Tiger Warsaw" staring Patrick Swayze was filmed in the Shenango Valley by Continental Film Group. The movie company was owned by the late Amin Q. Chaudhri, who settled in Sharon for several years and filmed a couple more movies partly in Mercer County.

More recently independent producer Michael Forney has been filming scenes locally for his upcoming movie "Why Me." The suspenseful mystery involving family and underground crime is expected to be completed next year.

Pennsylvania offers tax credits for moviemakers, TV shows and other programing to film in the state. But there are requirements that include:

— At least 60 percent of the film's total production expenses must fall in the state.

— Proof must be given that 70 percent of the movie's financing has been secured and that the remaining 30 percent will be in hand prior to main filming in Pennsylvania.

— Monthly reports must be submitted detailing funds spent in the state.

But that's not why Polestar is settling in the area, the reason why Reign said.

"This is where we want to be," he said. "It's a great place for movies."