How Lindsay Raynne Balances Weight Loss With Self-Love

Lindsay Raynne was featured in one of Oxygen’s Success Stories for her incredible transformation -- not only physically, but on the inside, too.

Becoming a mom is one of the most special experiences you can have, but for Raynne, it was also one of the most stressful. After her second daughter, Anna, was born, her blood pressure was spiking to dangerous levels on a daily basis. Raynne went on medication, endured migraines, eczema and developed food intolerances. All of this combined with emotional distress caused Raynne to gain weight she wasn’t happy with.

Her fitness and nutrition journey was a long one, but she’s here today to share what she learned.

Balancing Weight Loss With Self-Love

Growing up, Raynne struggled with her body image no matter what size she was.

“Being older now, 44 and counting, I have found that accepting my body and the struggles an older woman has easier than I would have anticipated,” she says. “Knowing now that we are basically shape-shifters and can quite literally start at ANY time and succeed, offers room for acceptability.”

She’s come to not only realize what accountability means, but accepts the good and the bad that comes with it.

“It's important to acknowledge the choices we make because that will lend itself useful when looking for someone else to blame for the state you're in,” Raynne says. “Meaning, if I choose to sit around all day eating PopTarts, for example, I will therefore only have myself to blame for any undesirable outcome that sort of habit would yield. This would have to be something I accept, because I did it.”

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(Photo: Linsday Raynne )

But this accountability doesn’t mean she’s hard on herself. Raynne says she embraces these moments and moves on from it.

“The worst thing we, as women, can do is feel guilty for those moments,” she says. “They are only moments, and they can be enjoyed and corrected when ready.”

With three impressionable daughters, Raynne leads by example: Strong is beautiful, and that doesn’t always refer to physicality.

“Strong is not just the ability of our bodies, but also the foundation you want to aim for within your mind, and your heart,” she says. “Strong also means to be confident, to trust your decisions and to never doubt your potential.”

Things I Wish I Knew…

Before getting into fitness, Raynne didn’t know she could feel confidence the way she does now.

“Letting oneself down offers a magnitude of insecurities resulting counterproductive behavior,” Raynne says. “When you choose yourself, the power that flows into your veins is indescribable and absolutely priceless.”

One thing she wishes she knew and accepted a long time ago was how everyone progresses differently. Some people can get “shredded” in a few months, while others will go through a year of consistency before getting where they want to be.

“Goals shouldn't be measured against anyone else's, because the truth of the matter is, there is no one out there quite like you,” Raynne says.

The longer she lived in the fitness world, the more she realized that mental health is an essential part of the process. Holding onto pain, fear and guilt can hold a person back in all kinds of ways.

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(Photo: Lindsay Raynne)

The Future

“My goals are to help as many women as humanly possible,” Raynne says. “I see so many tearing others down when we should be cheering each other on. The matriarchy is fierce and also feisty, but together, I can't even imagine what changes we could accomplish.”

Raynne hopes to reach out to women who are struggling and suffering, and therefore taking it out on each other.

“It goes much deeper than fitness alone for me when it comes to my coaching,” she says. “Because it went much deeper than that for me.”

Quick Q&A

Favorite post-workout snack?

“I make a smoothie! Flax milk, mixed nut butter, one frozen banana, and cocoa powder. It’s keto-friendly and tastes like a frappe thanks to the flax milk. I'm not sure how that's possible, but give it a go and you'll see. I stopped using almond milk because often times too much of that nut can give me gut issues.”

Favorite training split?

“Ohhh, my favorite days are GLUTES!!! Every woman, and men too I suppose, wants a booty. It's the number one thing requested from my clients! Second is back and shoulders. There is nothing cooler than looking like Sarah Connor in a tank-top. Am I right?”

Favorite meal (right now!)

Sausage kale and bean soup
(Photo: GettyImages)

Chicken sausage, kale and bean soup:


  • Three packages of sweet chicken sausage (I use Trader Joe's)

  • 1 large can of organic diced tomatoes

  • 1 small can of drained garbanzo beans

  • 1 bag of chopped organic kale

  • 3 boxes of organic chicken broth

  • Half stick of butter

  • 5 garlic cloves, diced

  • Salt


Slice sausages to bite sizes you prefer and saute in the butter and garlic. Once browned on most of the sides (hard because it's a lot!) add all other ingredients and simmer! I let it cook for about an hour covered on low and then remove the cover and let cook a bit more. When I am able to taste it, I add salt to my desired preference.

What’s your recovery routine like?

“I tend not to get sore from working out. I think if you are too sore you went too hard. I aim my workouts and those of my clients specific to their fitness level to avoid that. BUT, that doesn't mean it never happens and when it does I take an epsom and magnesium bath!”

Who is your favorite fitness influencer/athlete?

“My favorite fitness influencer is Valentina Lequeux and my favorite calisthenics athlete is Simon Ata, goes by Simonster. They are both brilliant.”

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