Liquor? Pot? In some states, these are considered ‘essential’ during a pandemic

What’s considered essential during a pandemic? In some states it’s alcohol, weed, food and more.

More than 18,500 cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in the U.S., according to data from Johns Hopkins. To help slow the spread of COVID-19, millions of people are under stay-at-home or shelter-in-place orders across multiple states.

In many states, all “non-essential businesses” have been ordered to close. During a pandemic, though, what is considered essential and what’s not?

It’s up to the cities and states to decide what’s considered essential, Business Insider reported. Typically, supermarkets and grocery stores will stay open, as well as big-box stores, pharmacies, convenience and discount stores, garbage collection and health care providers, according to the news outlet.

The list of what’s essential, however, often stretches beyond the basic necessities of food and medical care.

Liquor stores are considered essential and will remain open in New York, according to the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle.

Weed dispensaries in California are also considered “essential,” and business has been booming, according to ABC News.

“The Department of Health today clarified that since cannabis has medical use, dispensaries will be allowed to operate as essential businesses just like pharmacies are allowed to do,” San Francisco Mayor London Breed said, according to ABC News.

Legal marijuana sales in the state were up 159% on Monday compared with the same day in 2019, according to data from Headset, ABC said.

In Pennsylvania, the criteria is anything that is “essential” to supplying the state, like construction companies, home and auto repair businesses, shipping companies, laundromats, insurance companies and pet stores, according to The Daily Item.

Other industries like news media and infrastructure such as airports and public transportation also fall under essential businesses, according to WHEC.

Businesses that will shut down because they are non-essential include entertainment and hospitality services, recreation and athletic facilities, beauty facilities and most retail facilities such as shopping malls, the news outlet reported.

Many restaurants and shops, however, are shifting their businesses models to include more takeout, delivery or online options.