You live in Boise? Only if you relate to these inside jokes on viral TikTok video

When McKenna Esteb and Katie Lotz saw a social media trend that involved rattling off niche things that only locals in a particular city could understand, they knew they had to make one about Boise.

So Esteb, a 25-year-old nanny by day and musician by night, and Lotz, 23-year-old local comedian, went for a walk and started cracking jokes and comments about “living in Boise” to try to make each other laugh.

The two friends posted a video of the exchanges to TikTok, and it quickly went viral, garnering more than 330,000 views.

“There’s just nothing better than getting people to laugh,” Esteb told the Idaho Statesman by phone. “When so many people you don’t know can relate to something and laugh at it, it feels like an accomplishment.”

Esteb’s first joke was a self-deprecating dig at Boise residents’ tendency to harp on newcomers — even if they themselves weren’t born here. Esteb is a transplant from Washington, while Lotz is a born-and-raised Idahoan who moved from Hailey to Boise when she was in elementary school.

Both Boise State University alums, their video captured the humorous, sometimes strange side of life as 20-somethings in the city. Their quips hit on everything from Mulligans Pub mishaps to housing woes.

“I love that it resonated with so many people,” Lotz told the Statesman by phone. “And whether it resonated with them positively or negatively, I hope they got a good laugh out of it. Boise is a wonderful city. I think we’re all very lucky to live here.”

Fireworks will light up the sky at the annual Idaho Potato Drop in downtown Boise on Sunday, Dec. 31.
Fireworks will light up the sky at the annual Idaho Potato Drop in downtown Boise on Sunday, Dec. 31.

Things that scream you must live in Boise

Esteb and Lotz listed countless items and gripes that they said encompass life in the City of Trees. How many do you relate to?

  • You’re sick of all these transplants (bonus points if you are a transplant).

  • You pronounce it Boy-see (we all knew this would be on here).

  • Driving anywhere more than 10 minutes away is too far.

  • Yes, you did see that band at Treefort last year.

  • Biking is your preferred means of transportation.

  • You have to avoid certain coffee shops for fear of running into an ex (which might be only slightly better than running into them at Mulligans).

  • You, like the rest of the city, have a personal vendetta against the geese.

  • You’ve heard someone lament that “traffic was crazy” and it took them 15 minutes to get home.

  • You’ve fallen in love while watching someone take on a ramp at Rhodes Skate Park.

  • Yes, you’ve been to the Potato Drop on New Year’s Eve. No, it wasn’t worth it.

  • You have a crush on the barista at Neckar Coffee (or Flying M, Push & Pour, The Record Exchange, etc.).

  • You’ve devoured a street hot dog without shame during a late night out.

  • You’ve stared wistfully at North End homes you’ll never afford.

  • You have strong feelings about at least one Treasure Valley suburb.