Replay: Jena Nelson and Ryan Walters debate for Oklahoma state superintendent

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Outside of the governor's race, the election for state superintendent of public instruction might be the most interesting in Oklahoma. Republican Ryan Walters and Democrat Jena Nelson are running to become the state's top public schools official and they debated each other on Tuesday evening.

I'm Ben Felder, a political reporter with The Oklahoman, and below is my live blog from the debate:

Candidates ask each other a question

Each candidate was given the chance to ask their opponent a question.

Nelson said she has heard stories that Walters was a wonderful teacher, implying he has changed. “Win or lose, will you go back to being that man that those students believed in?” Nelson asked.

Walters responded by referring to two teachers who expressed progressive viewpoints, again saying that liberal indoctrination was a problem in schools.

Walters asked Nelson if she supported removing the teacher license of anyone who violates HB 1775, the new law that many call a ban on critical race theory.

Nelson said she would allow for due process but if someone breaks the law they should be held accountable.

-Ben Felder, 5:55 p.m.

Nelson attacks 'liberal indoctrination' claim

Walters has regularly said that “liberal indoctrination” is the biggest threat to Oklahoma schools, which he believes are increasingly under the control of liberal Democrats.

Nelson took a moment during the debate to address that claim.

“I keep hearing it but I’m not understanding it,” said Nelson, who added that most teachers in Oklahoma are Republican and the state is led largely by Republicans.

Nelson called it a distraction that takes the focus off supporting schools and students.

Walters responded with references to specific cases of teachers who expressed progressive viewpoints and books in libraries that have drawn complaints.

-Ben Felder, 5:48 p.m.

How do you keep teachers in the classroom?

Walters said he supports a pay raise for teachers but criticized a recent proposal from the state Board of Education to increase teacher pay by $5,000.

Walters said reducing administration costs would be the best way to funnel more money to teacher paychecks.

Nelson said she supports the $5,000 pay raise plan, but accused Walters of using rhetoric that was making teachers reconsider their careers.

More:Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt: Raising teacher pay is 'easy cop-out'

-Ben Felder, 5:42 p.m.

Federal relief funds controversy brought up

Moderators mentioned the controversy over the state’s use of federal pandemic relief funds, teeing Nelson up to hit Walters over his role in what federal auditors said were questionable practices.

Nelson didn’t mention Walters directly.

The moderators revisited the topic and asked Walters about his role in a program that paid an outside vendor to funnel relief funds to Oklahoma families. Reporting showed Walters gave “blanket approval” for purchases that were not related to education.

This is a Democratic talking point, Walters said, who went on to blame the outside vendor.

Nelson did jump in later with a stronger statement about the need for the secretary of education to do a better job of monitoring funds.

More:What do Oklahoma's recent education scandals say about our governor and his leading opponent?

-Ben Felder, 5:35 p.m.

Hofmeister brought up often by Walters

Walters and Nelson are running to fill the seat currently held by Supt. Joy Hofmeister, who is running as a Democrat for governor.

Walters, who is currently the education secretary for Gov. Kevin Stitt, said Hofmeister kept schools shut down during the pandemic by defending school districts that made the decision to keep their buildings closed. He has also mentioned her name in rebuking "liberal indoctrination" he says Democrats are performing in Oklahoma schools.

Nelson hasn’t mentioned Hofmeister, but did repeat her tagline about private school vouchers - “They are a rural school killer.”

More:Oklahoma Democratic gubernatorial candidate Joy Hofmeister wants a $5K teachers pay raise

-Ben Felder, 5:22 p.m.

Do you support school vouchers?

“Absolutely,” Walters said. “When you empower parents, when you trust parents, parents make the right decision for their kids."

“Vouchers do not support education,” Nelson said. “They are a rural school killer.”

-Ben Felder, 5:18 p.m.

More:Joy Hofmeister, seizing on voucher plan, says Kevin Stitt would ‘kill’ rural schools

Hillsdale College program brought up in debate

Moderators asked Walters about a recent article in the Tulsa World that reported he wants “to require teachers to undergo patriotic education training offered by a small, ultra-conservative, Christian college in Michigan called Hillsdale College, which is also trying to establish a national network of charter schools including a new one in Tulsa.”

Walters said test scores proved students weren’t properly teaching America’s history and the program would be beneficial.

Nelson called Walters’ plan dangerous and a threat to retaining teachers. She called the Hillsdale program “indoctrination."

-Ben Felder, 5:15 p.m.

First question, what are your qualifications to be state superintendent?

Ryan Walters did not discuss his experience or qualifications but said he believes the U.S. Constitution needs to be the focal point of all schools. He added that there is a “civil war” taking place in Oklahoma schools because of the threat of liberal indoctrination.

Jena Nelson says her experience as a state teacher of the year allowed her to serve on various committees focused on student mental health, teacher retention, and food insecurity.

-Ben Felder, 5:04 p.m.

Here's what you need to know before Jena Nelson and Ryan Walters debate

How to watch: The debate is being hosted by Fox 25 in Oklahoma City and you can watch it on television, the station's website or its Facebook page.

What's at stake: The winner of this election will become the state superintendent, a position currently held by Joy Hofmeister, who is term-limited and running for governor. Ryan Walters is the education secretary for Gov. Kevin Stitt and has been outspoken in his belief that Oklahoma schools are indoctrinating students with liberal ideology. Jena Nelson is a former state teacher of the year who says she wants to fully fund schools with well-paid teachers.

Here is some additional reading to help you get caught up on the race for state superintendent.

More:Superintendent election a 'battle' for future of Oklahoma public education

More:Oklahoma state superintendent candidates weigh 'woke ideology,' school funding, teacher shortage

More:Poll finds Democrat Jena Nelson leads GOP nominee Ryan Walters in Oklahoma superintendent race

This article originally appeared on Oklahoman: Live: Oklahoma superintendent debate between Jena Nelson, Ryan Walters