Live Results: 2022 Midterm Elections

  Olive Burd / BuzzFeed News
Olive Burd / BuzzFeed News

Americans are voting in the 2022 midterms Tuesday, and which party controls Congress — and with that, the trajectory of the country for at least the next two years — will be decided.

If Republicans take over the House of Representatives as polling suggests, President Joe Biden and Democrats’ agenda will likely come to a halt. On top of that, the midterms could have significant ramifications for democracy and voting rights, with a majority of Republicans running for office either denying or questioning the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

Meanwhile, statewide ballot measures and gubernatorial races have a new urgency since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. The midterms could decide the fate of abortion access in several states.

Data is provided by Decision Desk HQ, and calls may not reflect BuzzFeed News’ calls.

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