Local author releases graphic novel with Kingston inspiration

Local author and cartoonist, Wes Molebash, celebrated the launch of his graphic novel at Wheatberry Books.
Local author and cartoonist, Wes Molebash, celebrated the launch of his graphic novel at Wheatberry Books.

CHILLICOTHE— Local author and cartoonist, Wes Molebash, recently released his first graphic novel titled "Travis Daventhorpe for the Win!"

The book was written and drawn by Molebash who included several references to his hometown of Kingston.

Molebash has been creating cartoons for years now but this new graphic novel is his first adventure into creating comics for kids. He said he was inspired by his sons, who have become fans of the book. One of his sons even stayed up late reading the novel till the end.

Throughout the graphic novel, Travis Daventhorpe navigates school, new friends and bullies. While testing out his flying robot friend, Travbot, Daventhorpe also finds out that he is the hero of another demotion when he finds a legendary sword in the woods. The young nerd has to then find a way to juggle everything including saving the multiverse and completing his science fair project.

This book took several years for Molebash to write and illustrate, it is also book one in a four-part series. Molebash recently finished book two and is working on book three, while the entire series is not finished Molebash said he knows how he wants it to end.

Growing up in the area inspired Molebash to add several references to his hometown of Kingston throughout the artwork in the series These references include the grain silos, the Kingston downtown and the middle school Daventhorpe attended. While the locations are all fictionalized for the book Molebash said those who are from Kingston will get the references.

"There will be plenty of Easter eggs for everyone," said Molebash.

In celebration of the release Wheatberry Books in downtown Chillicothe held a launch party where Molebash met with readers and signed books. The owner of the bookstore, Chelsea Bruning, said this was the first launch party the store had ever put on. She said staff and customers had been looking forward to the event all week and that it brought an exciting energy to the store.

This launch party wasn't the first time readers have seen this novel as Molebash gave young readers a sneak peek at his work during the Chillicothe Intermediate School's literacy night. He said he has enjoyed meeting young readers who are excited about the novel.

Read more about the Chillicothe Intermediate School's literacy night: Chillicothe Intermediate School promotes reading with literacy night

"It has been pretty rad and special," said Molebash of the reception he has already gotten.

The graphic novel is available for purchase online anywhere you purchase books as well as in person at Wheatberry Books.

Shelby Reeves is a reporter for the Chillicothe Gazette. You can email her at SReeves@gannett.com or follow her on Twitter @Shelby_Reeves_

This article originally appeared on Chillicothe Gazette: Local author releases graphic novel with Kingston inspiration