GEAR UP FLORIDA — THE ABILITY EXPERIENCE: This 950-mile cycling event kicks off in Miami, reaches the Gulf Coast, passes through Orlando, comes back to the Atlantic coast in Jacksonville and culminates at the State Capitol in Tallahassee. The mission of the Pi Kappa Phi members is to reach out to as many people as possible spreading a message of acceptance and understanding on behalf of people with disabilities. The group will have lunch at noon, May 21 at Webster Memorial Baptist Church, 1135 N. Chestnut Road, Lakeland. Any one interested in the mission or who is or knows a disabled person is invited to attend. Contact Pastor Gavin Croft at 239-770-7631 after 3 p.m.

EKKLESIA MUSIC FESTIVAL: noon May 21 to noon May 22, gates open 11 a.m., Maddox Ranch, 2511 W. Bella Vista St., Lakeland. General admission $25 age 11 and older; age 10 and younger free, includes camping Saturday night, free parking; Group pass $20 each for anyone older than 10 in a group of five attending the event; must be in groups of five people; ages 10 and younger free, includes camping Saturday night, free parking. Tickets at https://www.ticketor.com/ekklesiafestival/. Saturday features musical acts, praise teams, speakers, artists, food vendors and worshipping God with Blanca, The Young Escape, Vital Worship, Without Walls, Joey O, Vasiliy Billetskyy and more. Sunday worship service. All persons under 18 must be accompanied by an adult at all times. http://themaddoxranch.com/ https://www.facebook.com/maddoxranch/.

The Handbell Ringers & Singers will present their spring concert on  May 22. Admission is free!
The Handbell Ringers & Singers will present their spring concert on May 22. Admission is free!

RINGERS & SINGERS CONCERT: 4 to 5 p.m. May 22, Sanctuary, First United Methodist Church, 72 Lake Morton Drive, Lakeland. Free. Ringing two six-octave sets of Whitechapel handbells plus five octaves of Malmark ChoirChime instruments, the Ringers & Singers combine the arts of ringing and singing. https://www.firstumc.org/events/. 863-686-3163

Church and religion news are due by noon Monday. Email features@theledger.com.

This article originally appeared on The Ledger: WEEKLY OFFERINGS