Which local coffee shop is your favorite in Middle Georgia? Vote now in our poll

Mugs up! National Coffee Day is Sept. 29 and International Coffee Day is Oct. 1.

And everyone has a favorite way to drink coffee. There are those that like just plain black, some like a quad espresso, others like extra cream, extra sugar, extra drizzle.

Whether it’s fueling up on the run or sitting down to enjoy a cup with a friend, coffee keeps us going.

Of course there are better places to get coffee than others. Take for example gas station coffee versus a wonderfully cozy coffee shop.

It’s good to have options, right?

Speaking of options, there are so many options in Middle Georgia. From bigger chain coffee like Dunkin’ to small town shops like Oh Honey Bakery.

So, let’s vote for your favorite.

Which Middle Georgia coffee shop is your favorite place to grab a cup? Vote in the poll below to let us know.

Voting will close on Tuesday, Oct. 2 at noon.

This poll is not scientific.