Local McDonald’s offers free meals to UCCS students & staff following loss of three lives on campus

(COLORADO SPRINGS) — In the wake of the devastating loss of three people at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) within just one week, local McDonald’s restaurants near the campus have initiated a heartfelt gesture, offering free meals to students and staff members.

21-year-old Mia Brown, a nursing student at UCCS, passed away on Monday, Feb. 12th following a medical emergency where she collapsed at the campus gym. Following Brown’s passing, the campus was struck with further anguish on Friday, as two more lives were taken in a UCCS dorm. This led to the subsequent closure of the campus over the weekend.

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“When we heard that they’re closing the campus down, we said, you know what? This is the only way that we can contribute,” stated Nayan Naik, co-owner of the McDonald’s on Fillmore Street near UCCS.

Both local owners of the nearby campus McDonald’s locations on Fillmore, owned by the Naik family, and on Garden of the Gods Road, owned by the McMillan Family, are offering a free Spicy Chicken Sandwich and small fry meal to UCCS students and staff during this challenging time.

“UCCS has just been through so much this week, and we just want to be a good partner in the community, take care of the kids… Come on down here, take a break from everything that’s happening on campus,” said Purvi Naik, co-owner of the local McDonald’s, and Nayan’s wife.

This initiative stems from a personal connection the local owners had with one of the students who tragically lost her life. Mia Brown had previously spent her summers working at Purvi and Nayan Naik’s McDonald’s. They are now providing Mia’s favorite meal, the Spicy Chicken Sandwich and small fries in her honor.

“It was heartbreaking. It was to hear the news, to get the phone call. Just heartbreaking,” expressed Purvi.

Mia Brown, Courtesy: Nayan Naik
Mia Brown, Courtesy: Nayan Naik

PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Death at UCCS gym after person collapses

Reflecting on Mia’s time as an employee at their McDonald’s, the Naik family remembers her as passionate, outgoing, and always ready to brighten someone’s day.

“The minute Mia walked in, all of our employees’ morale just stepped up with her. You know, they say, ‘When you cry, you cry alone, and when you smile, the world will smile with you,’ Mia epitomized that,” said Nayan.

Beyond their professional relationship, Mia’s connection with the Naik family ran deep, as their daughter was one of Mia’s closest friends. The Naik’s said they essentially watched her grow up, knowing her since she was 13 years old.

Naik family with Mia Brown, Courtesy: Nayan Naik
Naik family with Mia Brown, Courtesy: Nayan Naik

Tragically, Mia’s life was cut short just before her 22nd birthday which would have been celebrated on Feb. 25.

At her vigil, Nayan and Purvi said people lined up for hours to memorialize her.

“She always wanted to be somebody… make a difference in this world. And when you see what she did last night [at the vigil] the outpouring of love and the messages,” Nayan, with tears in his eyes, reflected on Mia’s profound impact, marveling at how, at just 21 years old, she touched more lives than many do in a lifetime.

“Mia, you did it… I only wish you would have been able to hear what everybody said about you… well done, girl. You did it,” Nayan said.

The Naiks reported that hundreds of students and staff have already taken advantage of the offer, which will be available through Monday, Feb. 19. UCCS students and staff are encouraged to visit one of the participating restaurants and show their UCCS ID for a free meal.

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