New local NAACP officers, board to be installed Sunday

Jan. 4—ANDERSON — The Anderson-Madison County branch of the NAACP has new leaders, and they will be installed Sunday.

Larry McClendon, who has been the chapter's vice president since 1988, is the new president.

His theme is "A Mind-set on Freedom" with a focus on youth matters including crime, educational equity, political literacy, voter turnout and the economy.

"Our city is in need," he said in a news statement. "We are bound and held accountable to the people of Anderson and Madison County and we will hold others accountable as well.

"We want to change any misconceptions that people have in reference to our local NAACP. ... My vision is to put the Anderson/Madison County Chapter back on the map."

McClendon is a leader at the Crossing School of Business and Entrepreneurship, the local Redwood Foundation's leader and previously served in the Anderson Township trustee's office.

He replaces Bill Watson, who resigned as president last year.

All newly elected officials ran unopposed.

Rio King was elected first vice president; Jacobi Davis, second vice president; Jeff Cottrell, third vice president; Donita Thompson, secretary; and Vanessa Duncan as treasurer.

Elected to the board of directors were Audrey Burgess, Amber Johnson, Phillip Rogers, Rosemary Rogers and Charles Walker.

The new officers and board members will be installed at 3 p.m. Sunday at Straight Gate Community Church, 2116 Henry St.

The election was conducted Nov. 27 by the national NAACP. Five ballots were submitted by the 221 members of the local NAACP during a six-hour voting period.

Follow Ken de la Bastide on Twitter @KendelaBastide, or call 765-640-4863.
