Local News Briefs: Dance students compete in national competition

DancExpress places in national contest

ZANESVILLE — DancExpress, with studios in Zaneville and Cambridge, recently had dancers compete at the Dream Maker National Competition in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Dancers performed 20 routines with 14 placing in the division overalls and three winning the overall championship for the division. DancExpress also earned 13 category wins, four golden tickets, an entertainment award, studio spirit award and Perfectly Unique Judges Choice Award. Katera McConahay won a champion photogenic award for those 12 and older.

Four routines were chosen for the final championship show with the large group number "Our Church" placing second overall in champion of the champions.

Wilson named president of OSBA

COLUMBUS — Judge Dean Wilson of Roseville has started his term as president of the Ohio State Bar Association.

The judge of Perry County Municipal Court served as an officer and president-elect for the OSBA previously. He chaired the organization's government affairs committee and deans and practitioners advisory committee and was member of the amicus committee and opiate response task force.

Wilson is also also past president and vice president of the Perry County Bar Association and is a member of the Muskingum County Bar Association, American Bar Association, Ohio Association for Justice, County and Municipal Judges Association, American Judges Association and Association of Ohio Commodores. He serves as a mentor for the Ohio Judicial College as well.

Wilson took the bench in 1990 and was previously solicitor for the Village of Roseville and acting judge for the Ohio Judicial Committee of Criminal Law. He was named a partner in the Graham & Graham law firm in 1989 where he practiced domestic and criminal law. He has degrees from Ohio University and earned his law degree at Capital University Law School.

Water bill help available

COSHOCTON — The Ohio Department of Development and MEOAG Community Action Agency is offering low-income households assistance in paying water and wastewater bills through Sept. 30.

One must provide copies of must recent water or wastewater bills, proof of income for all household members, proof of citizenship or legal residency, proof of disability if applicable and other as needed documentation. One must be at or below 175% of the federal poverty level. Call contact MEOAG at 740-453-570, ext. 109, for more information.

This article originally appeared on Zanesville Times Recorder: Local News Briefs: Dance students compete in national competition