Local News Briefs: Kohler named fellow at OU, driver safety events held, free workshop

Taylor Kohler named fellow at OU

ATHENS − Taylor Kohler has been named to the Communication Fellows Program at the Ohio University Scripps College of Community. Kohler is an English and journalism teacher at Mid-East Career and Technology Centers.

Kohler's project will be creating a student produced newsletter to run on a bi-weekly basis with a digital presence.

Designed to bolster innovation in communication curriculum at all levels of the education process, the program also provides professional development, mentorship and networking opportunities. Fellows receive $2,500 along with additional support for projects they complete over the course of the fellowship.

Mid-East has driver safety event

ZANESVILLE − A Just Drive public service announcement campaign was held recently in the activity center of the Zanesville Campus of Mid-East Career and Technology Centers. The goal was to bring awareness to the dangers of distracted driving.

Games replicated various distracted-driving scenarios. These included distracted musical chairs, where instead of the music stopping, students had to listen for things that would be distracting while driving during the song, and a red light, screen light activity, where participants played the nostalgic red light, green light game with a twist. There was also a raffle for donated prizes.

Driven by the almost 4,000 students who lose their lives to crashes each year and the 75% of fatal teen crashes that do not involve drugs or alcohol, Just Drive helps students acknowledge the dangers of distracted driving. The goals of Just Drive are to emphasize the importance of attentive driving and to reduce the injuries and fatalities among teenagers across the nation. For more information, go to justdrivepsa.com.

Springfield Trustees meeting changes date

ZANESVILLE − Springfield Township Trustees will meet in regular session at 7 p.m. May 1 at the township meeting room, 939 Woody Lane. This is a date change from previously announced.

Presentation planned for In-Demand Jobs Week

ZANESVILLE − Brad Hollingsworth of Hollingsworth Consulting will present I2 = Innovation Integration as part of In-Demand Jobs Week from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 4 at the Zanesville-Muskingum County Chamber of Commerce, 205 N. Fifth St.

During the interactive workshop Hollingsworth will introduce participants to specific tools and systems that make it simple to get outside the box and spark new ideas and creativity while addressing day-to-day operations that can cause complacency.

Register for the free workshop at go.osu.edu/indemand and information on the workshop can be found at hollingsworthconsulting.net/uploads/indemandjobssession5-2023.pdf.

Vaughn part of UF production

FINDLAY − Bella Vaughn of Zanesville will be an assistant props manager for a production of "Fully Committed" at the University of Findlay.

This article originally appeared on Zanesville Times Recorder: Briefs: Kohler named fellow at OU, driver safety events, free workshop