Long Point Home and Community Education prepares or fair

Ten members of the Long Point Home and Community Education group were present at Lanny Brown's home on June 15 for the annual salad luncheon. Hostess Susie Klendworth served dessert after the salads.

The business meeting was held after lunch. Items for our basket (to be raffled at the fair) were collected and will be compiled into the basket(s) by Phyllis Kestner.

On June 26 Helen Capko hosted a garden walk at her rural Cornell home.

President Sandi Kimpling announced that Thursday, July 21, is Long Point's day to work in the Humiston building at the fair. The day was broken into three equal blocks of time, and two members volunteered for each of the time slots.

Following the business meeting, Susie Klendworth gave a mini-lesson on shrugs, ponchos, cocoons, Peter Pan collars, "shackets" and statement necklaces. There was a sample of each style of apparel, and demonstrations of different ways to wear these garments. Sharon Loudon won the door prize.

Linda Zavada, Secretary

May Meeting

The Long Point Home Extension group met at the home of Jean Gaspardo for the May meeting. Ten members and one guest were present.

It was announced that the Rooks Creek HCE group has disbanded due to very few members. There are currently 74 members in Livingston County.

Pastor Bill Kehoe is starting programs using horses to work with children, people with depression and anxiety and adults with PTSD.

Guest Linda Over, a 4H leader, talked about the Timberline/Wide Awake 4H Club. The club holds its monthly meetings at the Long Point American Legion Hall.

A garden walk was enjoyed after the business meeting. Hostess Phyllis Kestner served lunch and the door prize was won by guest, Linda Over.

Lanny Brown, substitute secretary

This article originally appeared on Pontiac Daily Leader: Long Point Home and Community Education prepares or fair