Longtime Door County school librarian named to Wisconsin hall of fame

MADISON - A longtime librarian in the Gibraltar School District, who among other things helped bring the school into the internet age and continues to serve as a advocate for library services more than 20 years after retiring, is receiving a statewide honor for her work.

Miriam Erickson was named as the 2022 inductee into the Wisconsin Library Hall of Fame by the Wisconsin Library Heritage Center, an initiative of the Wisconsin Library Association Foundation. Erickson will be inducted Nov. 3 during the library association's annual conference in Lake Geneva.

A news release from the foundation said induction into this hall of fame "is granted to individuals who have made an exceptional contribution to the improvement of library service in Wisconsin over a sustained period."

Erickson started her 30-year career as a library media specialist at Gibraltar High School in 1968 after serving there as a home economics teacher for eight years. She held her library position until retiring in 1999.

She is credited as the leader of the effort that resulted in the Gibraltar library connecting via computer terminal to the library at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay library in 1979 and helping to create the first computer network at the school in the 1980s.

Erickson also is a longtime proponent of cooperation and collaboration between libraries, according to the library foundation. For example, the foundation noted that in the early 1980s she led a group of libraries in Door County to beta test a cataloging program that helped start WISCAT, Wisconsin’s statewide library catalog, and led to Door County school and public libraries getting their titles into WISCAT and being able to access resources from around the state.

She was an early advocate for use of educational television programming in the classroom. In the 1980s and 1990s she was a board member and served as president of the Northeast Wisconsin In-School Telecommunications Board, where she supported the creation of educational television programming that aired on Wisconsin Public Television on socially sensitive issues such as suicide, teen pregnancy, AIDS and sexual abuse while encouraging schools to use the programs in their classroom lessons.

Erickson previously has been recognized and honored for her devotion to libraries at the state level. She was named by the Wisconsin Library Association as its School Library Media Specialist of the Year in 1984 and Trustee of the Year in 2000 and was given the Wisconsin Educational Media Association Special Service Recognition Award in 1986. In 1991, she was appointed by then-Gov. Tommy Thompson as a member of the Wisconsin Council on Library and Network Development and has since then been appointed for successive three-year terms by every subsequent governor.

On a national level, Erickson was appointed to serve as delegate to the White House Conference on Library and Information Services in 1991 and helped make recommendations that served as a political platform for national library advocacy for years.

Through her work on the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction PK-12 Technology Plan Committee, she helped influence the use of educational technologies of all types in statewide school districts.

Since 1990, Erickson has been a member of the Nicolet Federated Library System Board, serving as its longest-standing member. She also has been a member of the Door County Library Board and Door County Library Foundation.

For more information about Erickson and past Library Hall of Fame honorees, visit heritage.wisconsinlibraries.org.

Contact Christopher Clough at 920-741-7952, 920-562-8900 or cclough@doorcountyadvocate.com.

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This article originally appeared on Green Bay Press-Gazette: Longtime Door County school librarian named to Wisconsin hall of fame