Look Back ... to a plea for additional police and fire protection, 1948

Jun. 30—June 30, 1948, in The Star: A plea for larger police and fire departments to protect the residents of Anniston and their property highlighted the weekly meeting of the Anniston City Commission yesterday afternoon. In a prepared statement, Associate Commissioner Sam F. Street told Mayor E. D. Banks and Associate Commissioner H. B. Glover, "I am in thorough sympathy with the city recreation program, but not with excessive spending that is at the expense of more vital functions of city government, namely, the police and fire departments. ... What good is the recreation program if our citizens are despoiled by thieves and fires destroy our property?" Reduced 31 percent since 1946, the police force is at the present time composed of 33 men, including the chief, Mr. Street said. The fire department employs 28 men, two of whom are not active firefighters but are instead the city's full-time fire marshals. Commissioner Street wants the staffing numbers in both departments increased. Also this date: Seven "camperships" to Camp Cottaquilla have been donated by firms and individuals in Anniston, Mrs. V. C. Adams, camp committee chairman, announced today. A $15 campership enables a girl to attend the newly constructed Girl Scout camp for one week.

June 30, 1998, in The Star: The face of high school athletics will change around Calhoun County in coming months, and it could take some time for Weaver and Pleasant Valley fans to adjust. At Weaver, Patrick Syer has been named the boys basketball coach, replacing longtime coach Van Deerman, who stepped down at the end of last season. Bearcat football offensive coordinator will be Ted Darby, a former Oxford quarterback. On the baseball side of the triangle, Rusty Reeves has been promoted to become the school's varsity baseball coach. Speaking of transitions, Weaver Principal Gene Bussey is serving his last day in that office today. He has led the school for a generation — 21 years. Meanwhile, at Pleasant Valley, Joel Poole has been named head football coach. He replaces Dennis Cook who has stepped down from coaching but will remain at the school.

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