What are you looking for in COVID data news? Tell us how we can help in the pandemic

Is it safe to travel? What about eating inside a restaurant? Is it OK to pop into the quick-mart if you forget your mask? Can you get tested at a county site over the weekend or at night?

We all see the increasing numbers of cases in Florida and most of us can’t help ask questions.

Which brings us to this question:

What can we do to help you understand better where we are in the COVID pandemic.

Every day, the Miami Herald analyzes the number of cases that Florida report to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But keeping a daily count is difficult because the state backdates cases, sometimes over multiple days. A clearer picture of where we are comes into focus with a seven-day average so people can see the trends of the past week.

We also bring you guides to testing, the latest on symptoms and treatment, the trends in hospitals.

Now, we want to know what helps you live your life better in this uncommon time — what you are looking at from us to help you make decisions on your health and safety.

Do you keep tabs on case numbers every day? Are you looking for more longer trends on case number spikes and dips rather than day-to-day ups and downs?

What types of guides are you looking for — testing sites, protocol rules, expert advice?

How do you prefer to keep tabs on COVID news? Through alerts to your phone or computer? On Twitter or Facebook? On the Miami Herald website?

We would love to hear from you, our readers, to help us bring you the information that can help you. Fill out the submission form below, and we may reach out with follow-up questions to help us help you.

COVID-19 tracker: Known Florida coronavirus cases and deaths by day and county