Looking for a Halloween costume? Here’s what Google says people are searching for most

Jack-o-lanterns have appeared on doorsteps and scary movies are back on television — Halloween season is upon us.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have deemed trick-or-treating a “high risk” activity, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still dress up and celebrate.

Whether you’re looking for a unique costume or just trying to nail down your costume plans, Google has a cool new tool to help you decide.

Google’s 2020 Frightgeist platform lets you see the Halloween costumes people in the U.S. are searching for most.

The highest trending costume nationally this year? A witch.

Rounding out the top five are a dinosaur, Harley Quinn, a rabbit and a clown, according to Google.

Here’s the top 10:

  1. Witch

  2. Dinosaur

  3. Harley Quinn

  4. Rabbit

  5. Clown

  6. Angel

  7. Fortnite

  8. Devil

  9. Ninja

  10. Spider-Man

To come up with its list, Google determined the top 500 costume searches in the U.S. then used the site’s Trends feature to see which Halloween costumes were searched most during the month of September.

Frightgeist also broke down its findings by state.

For instance, people in Kansas searched for Mickey Mouse more than any other costume and those in Oregon searched most for Fortnite.

An interactive costume map gives you a look at the most-searched costumes in cities all across the U.S.

People in Palm Springs searched most for Spider-Man costumes, along with people in Austin and St. Louis. A banana costume was the most popular search for those in Houston, and people in Philadelphia searched most for Tinker Bell costumes, according to the map.

Not sure what you want to be for Halloween? Google can help with that.

Using the Frightgeist costume wizard, choose whether you want a costume that’s modern or classic and trending locally or nationally. From there, use the sliding bar to indicate how spooky and unique you want your costume to be.

From there, the wizard will use your answers to determine the costume it thinks is right for you.

Varying inputs garnered recommendations such as an astronaut, Lilo and Stitch and the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.

You can visit the Frightgeist platform here.