Looking toward the 2023 legislative session

I want to thank the residents of House District 14B for once again trusting me to serve our community in the Minnesota House of Representatives.

When I took my oath of office again on Tuesday, January 3, I began my third term as your state representative. I’m deeply honored to share that I have been appointed to the leadership position of Speaker Pro Tempore. I’m prepared to execute the duties of the presiding officer with fairness to my 133 colleagues, and in service to the 5.7 million Minnesotans we are trusted to represent.

I’m proud to report that we’ve hit the ground running. We’ve already passed a federal tax conformity bill, delivering $100 million in tax cuts to a wide variety of Minnesota taxpayers, including restaurants and shuttered venues impacted by the COVID pandemic.

Unlike my past two terms, this year the DFL will have full control of state government, having won a 1-seat majority in the Minnesota Senate. I’ve always prided myself on working across the aisle to find consensus on common sense solutions for Minnesotans, and although voters delivered a DFL trifecta, I will continue to work in good faith with my Republican colleagues and champion causes that all Minnesotans care about.

This session, our (projected) $17.6 billion budget surplus puts Minnesota in a strong position to take a balanced approach that provides tax cuts for seniors and working families, while also making new investments that will benefit our state for years to come.

It’s time to eliminate the tax on Social Security, expand the working family tax credit, fully fund the special education cross-subsidy, get more police officers on our streets, and ensure that workers have paid time to care for themselves, their loved ones, and a new baby. These are all issues that I hear about time and again at the doors and in conversations throughout our community, and I’m working hard to get them through the process and signed into law.

I’ve already introduced legislation to close the special education cross subsidy that hinders so many of Minnesota’s schools, and St. Cloud is no exception. One of the many reasons I'm proud to be a St. Cloud 742 parent is because our district is a regional leader in providing special education services. Unfortunately, the state of Minnesota owes our school district $14 million per year in unfunded special education mandates. Passing this legislation and closing the special education cross subsidy will ensure our special education students can reach their fullest potential, and all of our students have the support they need to succeed.Outside of the state budget is the need to protect reproductive rights in Minnesota. Women are the ones who should be in charge of making deeply personal health decisions - not politicians. That is why I’ll be voting for the PRO Act - which would establish the fundamental right of Minnesotans to make individual decisions about reproductive health care. We can’t risk relying on court precedent.Another significant component of this year’s legislative session is the full return of in-person legislating - meaning that St. Cloud residents can once again visit with me at the state capitol to advocate for the issues that matter to you.You are my boss and I work for you, so please don’t hesitate to contact me at rep.dan.wolgamott@house.mn.gov or 651-296-6612.

State Representative Dan Wolgamott was recently elected to his third term in the Minnesota House for District 14B, and serves as Speaker Pro Tempore. A Democrat, Rep. Wolgamott resides in east St. Cloud.

This article originally appeared on St. Cloud Times: Looking toward the 2023 legislative session