Los Angeles County's stay-at-home orders are expected to be extended at least through July

Los Angeles County, which has more than 32,000 coronavirus infections and accounts for more than half of California's COVID-19 fatalities, is expected to pump the brakes on re-opening, despite loosening some lockdown measures last week, the Los Angeles Times reports. There likely won't be any further rollbacks until at least the end of July, the county's Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said during a Board of Supervisers meeting Tuesday.

It's not written in stone that the county's stay-at-home orders will remain as is for the next three months, but Ferrer said they won't budge unless there's a "dramatic change to the virus and tools at hand." As things stand, the county's fatalities and new infections are rising daily, and testing capacity reportedly remains limited, so change is not considered a likely possibility, the Times reports.

Beaches are still set to re-open Wednesday, albeit with restrictions. Only active recreation, like swimming, running, and surfing, is allowed, meaning that more leisurely beach-going endeavors like sunbathing are not considered valid reasons to hit the beach.

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