Los Angeles Rams Football Player Taylor Rapp Burned 10,000 Calories in a Single Day

From Men's Health

Los Angeles Rams safety Taylor Rapp proves that you don't need a ton of fancy equipment to get a brutal workout. The 22-year-old athlete just took on a challenge to burn 10,000 calories in one day.

Yes, you read that right. To complete this ridiculous feat, Rapp biked 125 miles, swam 1.25 miles, hiked 4 miles, and ran another 3 miles. He finished all of this with a quick gym workout (he didn't share the exact details there). He began the challenge at 4:30 a.m. and finished at 9:09 p.m.

Through his 10,000 calorie training journey, Rapp logged 93,963 steps, travelled 53.27 miles, and finished with 10,521 calories burned. He did this all on only four hours of sleep, according to his Polar fitness tracker.

This is clearly impressive, but isn't far off from an Ironman race, which is composed of a 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride, and a 26.2-mile run.

This was an intense workout that pushed Rapp's stamina to the absolute limits—but all that work might not translate directly to the football field, according to Men's Health fitness director Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S.

"He needs to be training explosive ability and change-of-direction," says Samuel. "Activity is activity, but if you want to be a better football player, this moves the needle absolutely zero on getting you there."

If you're thinking about taking up the 10k calorie challenge Rapp issued on Instagram, remember that you should always consider tailoring your workout to what you're most interested in accomplishing. If that's doing the toughest workout possible, go for it. There's nothing wrong with challenging yourself. But if you want to improve your performance, maybe sit this one out.

"Calorie burn is one of the lousiest metrics of measuring any workout," says Samuel. If you have specific goals, like performing pushups or pullups, running 10 miles won't help you achieve those milestones.

"Specificity of training is missing when you just run out and do.... anything," says Samuel.

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