‘We love you.’ Funeral service helps community mourn stillborn baby girl found off I-82

On the day before Easter, around 100 people attended a memorial service for the stillborn girl found along the side of Interstate 82 in early March. After an anonymous couple paid for her burial, Hillcrest Funerals and Cremation of Kennewick provided the service at no charge.

The funeral was held in Richland at Sunset Memorial Gardens in the Our Little Lambs section for children and babies. It was attended by community members, law enforcement and public officials.

When a body is found and not claimed, coroners are instructed to cremate the body and leave the ashes on a shelf for a required number of years. If the ashes are not claimed when this time is up, they’re spread somewhere local. By paying for a burial, the anonymous donors prevented this fate for Baby Girl Doe.

Letter from donors

Benton County Coroner Bill Leach released a letter from the anonymous donors before the service, saying in part:

“As a family of first responders, we have dealt with death many times. However, when we heard the news that the body of a tiny, infant girl was found discarded along the roadway, it became one of those moments we will never forget. The emotions that we felt broke our hearts. We knew that we had to do something to provide this little girl with a proper burial... “

“We chose to do this work for this tiny infant in the hopes that the community and her family will have closure. We do not want our involvement to distract from the importance of this infant. We do not know the details that led to this situation, but we know that there are many others all around who need our help. Hopefully, as we remember this little girl, we can each be more compassionate and a little more willing to reach out and help those around us.”

“We would also like to express our hope that any who find themselves facing a similar decision will reach out to the many wonderful agencies in our community that provide services to women and children. Please remember that you are not alone. There are people who care about you and are willing to help.”

Floral arrangement for Baby Girl Doe in the Sunset Memorial Gardens’ Our Little Lambs section.
Floral arrangement for Baby Girl Doe in the Sunset Memorial Gardens’ Our Little Lambs section.

Easter weekend service

The service was officiated by Deputy Brad Klippert with the Benton County Sheriff’s Office. He called the stillborn “Baby Girl Doe” and “Graciella Marie,” a name given to the infant by officials so she wasn’t buried nameless. Like several of the speakers to follow, Klippert shared his belief that Baby Girl Doe is now with God, making the service a celebration.

“This is a joyous occasion ... ” Klippert said. “This little girl has returned home.”

He also recited Romans 14:8-9: “For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.”

Klippert is a minister and former state representative.

Pastor Matt Lewis with Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities gave the opening prayer, making sure to pray for the family of Baby Girl Doe, wherever they may be.

Washington State Patrol Trooper Chadwick Williams spoke following Lewis’ prayer. When a Department of Ecology crew reported finding a baby in a bag on the side of the highway during roadside cleanup, Williams was the first member of law enforcement to arrive. It was his job to look in the garbage bag and determine how to proceed.

Following that call, Williams was told to write a letter to Baby Girl Doe, in order to help him process. He read that letter at the service, apologizing to her for the circumstances and what he could not do for her. Like Klippert, Williams also noted his belief that she’s with God now.

“Where you are now, you are not unloved,” Williams said before ending with Psalm 23.

Flowers sit on the casket for Baby Girl Doe at the graveside service.
Flowers sit on the casket for Baby Girl Doe at the graveside service.

Music and poetry

Emily Martin sang “Heaven Someday (Song for Our Baby)“ by Shelly Johnson. The ballad offers a parent’s perspective to losing a child before they’re born while crediting a plan from God. The hook of the chorus is “I’ll hold you in heaven someday.” Emotions were already high, but the tears continued with Martin’s performance, including from Martin herself.

Detective Marco Monteblanco with the Kennewick Police Department read the poem “Don’t Think of Her as Gone Away” by an unknown author.

“Don’t think of her as gone away

her journey’s just begun.

Life holds so many facets

this earth is only one.

Just think of her as resting,

from the sorrows and the tears.

In a place of warmth and comfort,

where there are no days or years.

Think how she must be wishing

that we could know today,

that nothing but our sadness

can really pass away.

And think of her as living,

in the hearts of those she touched,

For nothing loved is ever lost

and she was loved so much.”

Klippert ended his closing remarks with Matthew 19:14: “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

The HomeLink Lynx Choir performed “Good Night, Dear Heart,” arranged by Dan Forrest. Several members of the choir were emotional during the service and performance.

Death investigation

Baby Girl Doe’s mother has not been found or identified yet, according to Klippert. He offered her any help she needs, as he “imagines she’s hurting right now.”

“We want her to know that we love your baby and we love you,” Klippert said.

Detective Monteblanco said the main focus of the investigation is finding Baby Girl Doe’s mother. He said the investigation is “very much ongoing,” examining the circumstances, DNA and other factors, which takes time.

He asked that the community keep Baby Girl Doe in their thoughts and prayers. Anyone with information regarding Baby Girl Doe and her family can contact Kennewick Police at 509-628-0333.