Love and optimism inspire opening of Caribou BBQ Smokehouse in Middletown

One of the newest restaurants in Middletown, Caribou BBQ Smokehouse, was created by Elaine Wilson as an act of love. “Food for me is more than just eating. Food brings people together in a spirit of love,” Wilson said.

The restaurant at 650 South Main St. serves classic barbecued beef, chicken and pork, cooked in her Southern Pride smoker. Wilson also sells jerk-seasoned meats, such as chicken and shrimp. Her smoked salmon has become a customer favorite since she opened on July 2.

“People have told me they came all the way from Massachusetts for my salmon,” she said.

One meat that isn’t found on the menu is caribou, the restaurant’s namesake. Wilson said she will add it if she finds an affordable distributor.

The fish and meats are served in meals, in sandwiches and by the pound. They are accompanied by a variety of sauces, including one that’s gluten-free. Beverages come from local and regional bottlers, including Hanging Hills, East Rock and Relic. Each table has a bowl of peanuts to munch on while waiting for an order.

Wilson, a native of Greater Portmore, Jamaica, owned a bar-and-grill restaurant there before emigrating to the United States 21 years ago. After arriving, she worked in the cafeteria at Hamilton Standard, then switched careers to work as a production planner at gun manufacturing plants.

She got laid off. Then she got another job and got sick and went on an extended sick leave. These misfortunes lit a fire under her to go back to the restaurant industry. “The desire started coming. I decided to turn that setback into a comeback,” she said. “Something was telling me this was the time.”

Her optimistic attitude is reflected by inspirational quotes on the walls of her shop. From Mother Theresa: “Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless.” From Maya Angelou: “You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated.”

Wilson has a special fondness for the Angelou quote. She has experienced defeats: She lost a house during the Great Recession, she got laid off, she got sick. But she didn’t let them defeat her.

“Everybody has ups and downs in life, rough patches. But I don’t let them define me,” she said. “I feel blessed and I want to share my blessing.”

Caribou BBQ Smokehouse is open Monday to Wednesday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Thursday to Saturday 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. An official grand-opening celebration will be held Aug. 4 starting at 2:30 p.m. See for updates.

Susan Dunne can be reached at