Lucas chosen to chair House Science, Space, and Technology Committee

Jan. 12—Rep. Frank Lucas (R-OK) was elected to chair the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee in the 118th Congress.

The committee has jurisdiction over non-defense federal scientific research and development agencies such as NASA.

"I am deeply honored that my colleagues have chosen me to lead the Science, Space, and Technology Committee," Lucas said in a statement. "Our committee's work ensures the United States remains the world's leader in science and technology and stays competitive in the global economy."

His to-do list includes advancing supply chain technologies, maintaining the country's space leadership and researching ways to make American energy cleaner and safer.

"America has long been the global leader because of our commitment to innovative, fundamental research and our ability to leverage public-private partnerships," Lucas said. "It will be our job on the committee to ensure the U.S. stays at the cutting edge of science and technology by supporting and protecting American research. I'm eager to get to work."

Lucas has served as a ranking member on the committee since 2019. He was also the chairman of the House Agriculture Committee from 2011 to 2015.

His stance on climate change is a staunch contrast from most Republican lawmakers, including the most recent one to hold the position in former Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas).

He has agreed with Democrats in the past on the threats of climate change, but he has been critical of how they have addressed the issue.

"We will conduct critical oversight on the billions and billions of dollars the Democratic-led Congress and Administration have poured into our agencies over the last two years, to hold them accountable and ensure taxpayer dollars are protected from waste, fraud, and abuse," Lucas said. "The Science Committee has a history of bipartisan work, and my hope is that we will continue to have a productive and collaborative relationship with our colleagues across the aisle."