Lucifer: hot character, lukewarm show


Lucifer Morningstar is the Lord of Hell but after thousands and thousands of years of punishing people he got bored and decided to leave Hell and spend some quality time in Los Angeles. Five years later, he met Chloe Decker, an LAPD detective and decided to follow her.

So, yeah, another crime drama. I lost count seriously. Obviously the show won’t win any originality price any time soon. But that doesn’t mean it can’t have a shot.

The show has been developed by Tom Kapinos but it’s based on DC Comics/Vertigo comics book’s The Sandman and then the spin-off of it, Lucifer. At this point, we can wondering why it’s FOX which airs it and not the CW as it would fit perfectly for their audience.

So, in charge of the show we have Tom Kapinos who gave us Californication, so that’s one point, we have Len Wiseman who gave us Sleepy Hollow (seriously, in terms of chemistry, Ichabod and Abbie are an example on TV), the Underworld series, etc so that’s two points, there’s Ildy Modrovich who wrote more than twenty episodes for CSI:Miami so I trust her to know how to handle a crime drama, three points for Lucifer and I can’t forget Jerry Bruckheimer, who worked a lot for Disney (does Pirates of the Caribbean rings a bell?) so it might be dull but it will end well. That’s four points. Tom Ellis is worth at least one thousand, the chemistry between Lucifer and Chloe is pretty good, Trixie is adorable so more points. That’s enough to give it a try, right?

The big, big, big asset of the show is its main character, portrayed brilliantly by Tom Ellis. After Sleepy Hollow and Ichabod Crane, Len Wiseman (executive producer) offers us a character with an accent to die for. It never hurt to have main characters who are eye-candy but contrary to his colleagues, he’s not only handsome, he’s pretty interesting. And there’s the accent. But mostly, Lucifer is not downright evil. He’s an angel whose father decided he had to be the master of the underworld. But the guy never asked for it. A big aspect of the show is the transformation of Lucifer from an immortal figure to a mortal one, with the emotions, the weakness and the strengths it brings. Lucifer has the power to make anyone (except a certain detective) to tell him his/her deepest desire but he never forces anyone to act on them. He believes that someone should always do as they want, because desire are the most powerful thing and moral or rules have no power. So, the character isn’t evil at all, he’s arrogant, impertinent, frustrating but he’s not a bad guy deep down. Oh, and he’s in therapy because everything is ‘so exciting’ but he doesn’t understand everything that happens to him.

Lauren German is pretty vanilla so far, but it’s FOX so a Season 2 is to be expected, she has an handful of episode to gain some depth before the end of the season to come back stronger.

Kevin Alejandro (the ex of the detective who Lucifer follows), D.B. Woodside (the angelic (he’s an angel) brother of Lucifer, they hate each other), Lesley-Ann Brandt (Maze, a demon who protect Lucifer) and Rachael Harris (Lucifer’s therapist) form the rest of the cast.

Watch it (when your brain is Off on a Sunday afternoon) on Amazon Prime in the UK.