Lyme disease: why is it on the rise this summer?

Lyme disease  - AP
Lyme disease - AP

There are many threats posed by climate change – rising seas, melting ice caps, bleached coral reefs. But there's another that we're just beginning to come to terms with: the rise of Lyme disease.

In England and Wales reported cases rose from 268 to 959 between 2001 and 2011, while current government estimates put the number at 2,000-3,000 new instances annually. According to Public Health England, infections rose by up to 35 per cent between 2016 and 2017, with a surge in southeastern areas such as Kent, Sussex and Essex.

The infectious disease is caused by a bacterium spread by ticks. Once thought to be confined to remote areas, such as the Scottish Highlands, ticks are becoming increasingly common, with an upsurge in sightings in city parks, according to Howard Carter, a bite protection expert.

Global warming is thought to be behind the growing tick population, because warmer temperatures are creating more suitable habitats for the arachnids to thrive. One report from 2018, in the Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology, linked tick populations to the climate, stating: "both tick activity and survival depend on temperature and humidity."

The majority of tick bites are harmless but, when untreated, Lyme disease can lead to severe complications, including arthritis and neurological and heart problems. Meningitis is also a possible outcome, as is chronic fatigue syndrome.

"The classic sign of Lyme disease is a distinct circular rash at the site of the bite," explains Dr Riccardo Di Cuffa, director and GP at Your Doctor. "It can take three days to a month to appear, looks like a red bull's eye spot and has a red circular rash surrounding it, like a dart board." The rash can reach 15 cm wide and is raised.

Only a third of those who contract Lyme disease actually get the rash, according to Carter, but you might suffer from flu-like symptoms, aches, fever, inflammation, short-term memory loss or facial palsy.

While these symptoms are common to other conditions, it's worth checking with a doctor, especially if you've been walking in tick-heavy places, such as woodland, heathland, moorland and grassland areas, particular where there are plenty of animals. The rise of deer is also behind the increase in ticks – and as they move into urban areas, the ticks come with them.

"People still don't know how you can catch Lyme disease," Carter explains. "300,000 people are registered carriers in the US, so the real figures are more likely to be towards half a million. And in the UK Caudwell LymeCo charity and Lyme Disease UK estimate that there could be up to 45,000 new cases of Lyme disease in the UK."

Carter explains that because the antibodies take several weeks to form, if you have an early test you may not get an accurate diagnosis. "You really need to wait for six weeks before requesting a blood test. If you do test positive, a course of antibiotics will stop it dead if caught soon enough."

With Lyme disease a growing concern, it's important to understand the best ways to prevent contact with ticks, which tend to live near animals. Avoid long grass, use insect repellent on your skin, inspect skin after walks, regularly check your pets (cats and dogs can suffer from Lyme disease, too), and wear long-sleeved tops and trousers when walking in high-risk areas, says Dr Di Cuffa.

"Remove ticks using a special tick remover, as tweezers don't work as well," explains Carter. "You've got to be careful taking a tick out. Remove gently and hold it so that it is vertically above your skin. The chance of contracting Lyme disease is far less if you successfully remove the tick without squashing its insides back into your skin."