Lyrid meteor shower: Green fireball, aka shooting star, seen in PA was visible from Ottawa to Washington D.C. April 20 [Video]

Apr. 21—As the stroke of midnight hit, marking the arrival of Thursday, April 20, 2023, a bright "shooting star" tinged green streaked across the eastern sky.

Those extra bright falling stars have a special name — fireball.

"Fireballs and bolides are astronomical terms for exceptionally bright meteors that are spectacular enough to to be seen over a very wide area," according to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or NASA, Center for Near Earth Object Studies.

The American Meteor Society, online at, keeps track of sightings of the fireballs as well. As of 3 p.m. April 21, the AMS had published 46 witness reports that ranged from Inverary, Ontario, Canada in the north to Alexandria, Virginia, in the south. Sightings in Pennsylvania included Blandon, Mohrsville, Wind Gap, Bangor, Chester Springs and Philadelphia.

The Lyrid meteor shower started April 15 and continues through April 29, so it is not surprising to those who watch the skies for this to have occurred. To have actually witnessed the several-second greenish blaze of a fireball is often a once-in-a-lifetime event according to the AMS.

Mark Kirschner captured what is believed to be the April 20 fireball event on his sky camera in Northford, Connecticut, about 10 miles northeast of New Haven. He shared a video and photograph on the AMS site.

To report a sighting, go online to and you will be guided through a detailed process.

"Remember the time, where you were facing, and how you saw your shooting star," said Elan Lift, president of the Berks County Amateur Astronomical Society.

The Lyrids are set to peak in the wee hours of Sunday and the light of the moon will be causing minimal interference since it is a waxing crescent Lift said.

He noted the moon will be in the waxing crescent stage all this week, allowing good visibility of stars and planets.

"Check it out as it passes by Venus right after sunset, over in the West," he said.

The Berks Amateur Astronomical Society will be holding a free Star Party Friday, May 26, at the Daniel Boone Homestead, 400 Daniel Boone Road, Birdsboro (Exeter Township). Watch for details at or