Netflix details the ‘best’ 2019 TVs for watching Netflix

Models with an 'Always Fresh' feature means you can be ready to go in seconds.

Choosing what to watch on Netflix can be a time-consuming experience, but actually accessing the platform, and navigating your way around it, doesn't need to be. Some TVs are better at this than others, so Netflix has revealed its official 2019 list of recommended TVs for the best streaming experience. If you're in the market for a new model and this is a key concern for you, the company reckons TVs from Samsung, Sony and Panasonic are your best bet.

The TVs have been scored against a number of criteria, including the ability to get to Netflix within a few seconds, being able to move quickly and easily between apps, and having access to the latest version of Netflix and its features. Netflix releases a recommended models list every year, but new criteria for 2019 is the introduction of what it calls "Always Fresh." This feature keeps Netflix ticking away in the background even when the TV is in sleep mode, so it's super responsive when you're ready to go.

And the models making the cut? This year it's Samsung's Q60R/Q70R/Q80R/Q90R/Q900R series, the RU800, The Serif and The Frame devices; Sony's Bravia X85G/X90G series and A9G series; and the Panasonic Viera GX700/GX800/GX900 series. If Netflix is a big part of your entertainment down time, consider these models for the slickest experience.