Macon-Bibb P&Z: Prior violations, unfulfilled expansion promises doom 2 requests

Past behavior, unkept promises and unfulfilled expectations led the Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission this week to revoke zoning compliance from one business owner and prevent another from expanding.

During Monday’s hearing, commissioners stripped Joshua Jackson of his ability to operate his trucking business at 1836 Railroad Ave. until he can bring the corner lot into zoning compliance and reapply.

P&Z Inspector Eric White testified that Jackson first caught their attention in September 2022 when Jackson was illegally parking trucks at his relatives’ home on Roseview Drive in east Macon.

After five months of failing to remove the trucks and debris, a judge fined Jackson $1,000 in February for the Roseview property violations, according to the P&Z staff report.

Jackson’s wife emailed P&Z two days before the fine was levied to inquire about securing approval to park trucks at 1858 Railroad Ave. and neighboring parcels that Jackson had purchased.

P&Z replied that truck parking is permitted in that light manufacturing zoning district next to Interstate 75 as long as they’re in a fenced or screened area, or in a building. No repair work could be done outside of a building.

Macon Bibb P&Z inspectors discovered Joshua Jackson never installed the necessary fence required to park trucks on Railroad Avenue.

A fence was never put up on Railroad Avenue and a March 28 inspection found that site also to be in violation.

In mid-summer, neighboring property owners complained to P&Z that Jackson had cleared their adjoining property, was parking trucks on their land, and mechanical work was being done on site.

Joshua Jackson, center, lost his zoning permit for 1836 Railroad Ave. after P&Z inspectors testified he was violating Macon-Bibb County codes at two locations.
Joshua Jackson, center, lost his zoning permit for 1836 Railroad Ave. after P&Z inspectors testified he was violating Macon-Bibb County codes at two locations.

There were also complaints of debris, hazardous materials and tires being stored on the land within view of passing traffic on the interstate.

Jackson told inspectors he cleared the neighbors’ parcels “as a favor because the lot was an eyesore.”

He said he would clean up his property as directed, but subsequent inspections documented no fence and a quantity of trucks exceeding the 10 permitted by the zoning.

Joshua Jackson, center, lost his zoning permit for 1836 Railroad Ave. after P&Z inspectors testified he was violating Macon-Bibb County codes at two locations. (Liz Fabian)

White testified that once the property failed a final inspection in September, Jackson became irate and threatened him. He was notified that the pending revocation would be on the November agenda.

Commissioners had little mercy for Jackson due to his treatment of staff and “sarcastic” attitude during the proceedings, as Commissioner Keshia Stafford described.

“Nobody should have to deal with being harassed or insulted,” Commissioner Josh Rogers said.

Jackson was told to completely clear the Roseview property and remove all the trucks and debris from both properties within two weeks. He must combine the additional lots near the Railroad Avenue property into one parcel, and build a fence before reapplying to use the property to park trucks.

P&Z Chair Jeane Easom told Jackson he must move those trucks to a designated truck lot.

“You’re going to have to pay to park these trucks because you haven’t done what you were supposed to do,” Easom said.

P&Z rebuffs offices over no buffer, encroachment

In other action, nearly a dozen neighbors opposed rezoning for Phase 2 of a new office building complex near the corner of Bass and Zebulon roads, and the developer’s lack of follow-through on Phase 1 helped kill the deal.

Owner Manisha Patel and Carter Engineering wanted to add four office buildings totaling 19,000 square feet.

The P&Z denied commercial rezoning due to encroachment on neighbors along Marjane and Wesleyan View drives.

P&Z denied the request to rezone about four acres at 165 Wesleyan View Drive and 5543 Zebulon Road to Planned Development Commercial from Planned Development Residential.

Potential for future retail was one concern for property owners who have been battling commercial encroachment for years.

Chair Easom made up her mind from reading the staff report.

“This particular project goes into the residential area,” Easom said. “To be honest with you, I’m going to vote ‘no,’ because I don’t want to see that happen. This is a long-standing neighborhood back there.”

Commissioner Tim Jones said he was concerned that a future P&Z commission might allow retail or fast food to creep in.

Commissioner Gary Bechtel said great care was taken in approving the existing medical office at 197 Zebulon Road.

“That was a leap because that corner had been quote, unquote, ‘off-limits’ for a number of years and the right plan was presented with a buffer,” Bechtel said.

Macon-Bibb P&Z denied commercial rezoning due to encroachment on neighbors along Marjane and Wesleyan View drives.
Macon-Bibb P&Z denied commercial rezoning due to encroachment on neighbors along Marjane and Wesleyan View drives.

In 2021, P&Z rezoned the applicant’s adjacent property near the corner of Bass and Zebulon roads to Planned Development Commercial to allow for construction of an office/retail development.

The developer’s failure to put in a required buffer in the first phase of the office complex contributed to P&Z’s denial of a second phase application off Bass and Zebulon roads.

One medical office currently housing Southern Primary Care was built, but P&Z noted the developer did not put in the necessary buffer to shield the neighboring homes.

The applicant’s attorney advocating for Phase 2 of the project, Justin Hollingsworth, testified that a 20-foot butter is slated to go in, but the developer wanted to plot out the rest of the newly available parcels in the current rezoning request.

“You should have put it in there,” Easom said of the buffer.

The lack of follow-through on the original plan gave other commissioners pause to trust that the current plans would be carried out.

Neighbors presented other arguments against the expanded office complex.

Realtor Harriet Swann, who owns several nearby properties, said the neighborhood must be preserved.

“This is a really lovely neighborhood. People walk up and down. It’s really a jewel, but if this is allowed, it won’t be a jewel anymore,” Swann said.

P&Z voted unanimously against the rezoning.

Civic Journalism Senior Fellow Liz Fabian covers Macon-Bibb County government entities for The Telegraph. She can be reached at