Madrona Market facing thousands in damages after smash-and-grab burglary

Another small business in Seattle is facing thousands of dollars’ worth of damage repairs after a smash-and-grab burglary.

Thieves backed into the front doors of Madrona Market and Deli just after 1 a.m. on Nov. 17.

Security footage shows three suspects. Authorities have not made any arrests yet.

Daniel Abraha says he purchased Madrona Market and Deli a year ago.

“With what happened it’s a big challenge. It’s mentally and physically exhausting,” said Abraha. “Timing sucks. Thanksgiving, winter, timing really sucks.”

According to Abraha, his bodega is not the only shop in the Madrona Village dealing with the aftermath of a break-in. He says that on 34th Avenue, Katybird consignment boutique and Madrona Wine Merchants have bolstered security after incidents of their own.

Abraha says in the days following the crime, he’s been impressed by the sympathy and support of his newfound community.

“There are neighbors who walk in and say, ‘I’m so sorry this happened to you,’” said Abraha. “That goes a long way.”

The gestures go beyond words alone. Abraha is still unsure exactly who, but someone set up a GoFundMe page to fund his steep repair costs.

Abraha says he paid over $3,000 just to board up his front doors.

The small business owner says he’d like the city of Seattle to consider investing in security bollards to better protect shops like his.