MAGA extremism: Violent ‘civil war’ rhetoric spikes online ahead of midterms

New reporting from the New York Times indicates that violent rhetoric and mentions of a “civil war” have been spiking on a variety of online platforms, apparently “ignited by the Mar-A-Lago search.” The Times reporting a whopping 3000% increase in this discourse on Twitter. This comes after President Biden gave a speech describing “semi-fascism” within the MAGA movement, which some Trump allies tried to use as evidence that the MAGA movement is being persecuted. The Lincoln Project’s Rick Wilson and Fordham professor Christina Greer join “The Beat” on the disturbing rhetoric and the possibility of needing armed guards at voting locations in the future. Wilson adding: “I think we may end up in that position at some point. There is an increasing movement on the far-right to intimidate voters…”