Mail Tribune 100, Nov. 16, 1921

Nov. 16—Nov. 16, 1921


The Woman's Axillary to the American Legion held its regular meeting in the Legion hall last evening after which a joint social meeting was held with the legion.

Mrs. Emina York served dainty refreshments of chocolate, sandwiches and cream puffs.

A committee was appointed to be at the legion hall on Saturday and Monday afternoons, to receive and pack the jellies and jams to be sent to the disabled ex-service men in Oregon hospitals.

Anyone in Medford who will donate a few glasses of either jelly or jam is asked to leave them at the hall on Saturday afternoon.

The ladies have a small sum of money raised by card parties, which will be used to give holiday cheer to these men.

The care of the disabled ex-service men of Oregon will be the first and foremost work of the woman's axillary and any assistance from the citizens of Medford will be appreciated.

Let us not forget that these men paid with their bodies for the great day which we have just celebrated. They are fighting more heroically today than they did when they fell.

"It was right to be out where the fight was strong,

To be where the noblest troops belong,

To fight there for God and man."


The carload of casing for the Trigonia well arrived Sunday night. Through the courtesy of Mr. Montgomery and the Southern Pacific officials in Portland this car made a quick trip from Indiana. The excellent showing of oil at this well has attracted the interest of oil men all over the country. Several very large operators are awaiting the future developments at the Trigonia well, and it now looks as though other drilling operations will soon be under way. It is expected to have the casing set by Friday night. With the water shut off there should be a remarkable showing of oil. It is understood that visitors are welcome at the well.

— Alissa Corman;