Mail Tribune 100, Oct. 22, 1921 continued

Oct. 23—Oct. 22, 1921 continued


A novelty number of the George Andrews Complimentary concert at the Page theatre on Tuesday evening next will be a half-hour act entitled "A Night in Spain," in which a group of singers and others will be featured in singing, dancing and pantomime, in beautiful costumes and with special lighting effects. This will be one of the most enjoyable turns ever presented in Medford. Spanish beauties of every type and gay cavallieros will wield fans and tambourines, guitars and castanets in a reproduction of the atmosphere and romance of Old Spain which always appeals to the imagination of auditors in every land. Spain has never produced a great composer of its own, but all of the world's great composers have made use of Spanish folk-music, with its warmth of color and fascinating rhythm, the very soul of music, a spontaneous growth out of the hearts and lives of the people of the land of the Alhambra.

The old reliable firm of "Potash & Perlmutter," in their new role as managers of a New York theatrical booking office, will have their hands full with the vagaries and ambitions of aspiring Hamlets and unheard-of vaudeville headliners, temperamental prima donnas and struggling geniuses of every variety known to stage life.

An enlarged orchestra of the picked musicians of the city, under the able direction of Wilson Waite, has been rehearsing for two weeks especially for this occasion. The orchestra, in addition to accompaniments, will have two special numbers on the program, which will provide a treat for all lovers of instrumental music. Medford has occasion to be proud of its orchestral organization, and the performance Tuesday evening will mark a further advance in its position as a musical center.

The last rehearsal of the Choral Society will be held on Monday evening, at the Presbyterian church; a full attendance is expected. The final touches of preparation for the first numbers on the program will be given at this rehearsal.

The box office of the Page is open today, from 12 until 5, for the exchange of advance sale tickets for seat reservations. The remaining seats will be on regular sale at the box office afterward, beginning today at the regular box office hour.


The public market of today was a good one with a nice lot of vegetables on sale. It was big chicken day at the market bot in offerings of hens and fryers at 35 cents a pound and a heavy demand from the chicken hungry public.


The poultry raisers of Ashland and immediate vicinity held a meeting in the latter city this afternoon for the purpose of effecting a permanent organization.

— Alissa Corman;