
What makes fish smell? It's a fragrance only another fish could love

Fresh out of the ocean, the scent is of the sea. But give a dead fish a few moments in the sun, and the aroma is another story.

Exactly why fish smell the way they do has to do with the natural process of decay and some physiology unique to sea creatures.

Water in the open ocean is about three percent salt by weight, but the optimal level of dissolved minerals inside an animal cell is less than one percent.

In order to maintain fluid balance, ocean creatures must fill their cells with amino acids and amines to counter the saltiness of seawater. Ocean fish tend to rely on trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) for this purpose.

The problem, or stink, arises when fish are killed and bacteria and fish enzymes convert TMAO into trimethylamine (TMA), which gives off the characteristic fishy odor.

Dead menhaden fill the Branchport Creek behind the Sea Winds condominiums off Patten Avenue in Long Branch Monday, May 3, 2021.
Dead menhaden fill the Branchport Creek behind the Sea Winds condominiums off Patten Avenue in Long Branch Monday, May 3, 2021.

This chemical is especially common in the flesh of cold-water surface-dwelling fish like cod. So cod would start smelling faster than, say, catfish.

In fact, it is the presence of trimethylamine that is used as an indicator of how fresh a fish is. If you have ever caught fresh fish, you know that it doesn't have a particularly strong odor, maybe a hint of ocean or lake water. But sometimes the fish you get from the store can have a pungent "fishy" odor.

How can the smell of fish be reduced?

This smell can be reduced in two ways. TMA on the surface of the fish can be rinsed off with tap water. Treating the fish with acidic ingredients such as lemon, vinegar, or tomato can also cause TMA to bind to water and become less volatile. Thus, the odor compounds do not reach the nose.

Freshwater fish generally do not accumulate TMAO because their environment is less salty than their cells.

As a result, their flesh tends to be milder, and they do not get as "fishy" as ocean fish. However, freshwater fish sometimes suffer from an unpleasant "muddy" aroma.

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This often occurs in bottom feeders such as catfish and is caused by two compounds produced by blue-green algae, geosmin, and methylisoborneol. These chemicals concentrate on the skin and dark muscle tissue of the fish.

Acidic conditions will cause these compounds to break down, so there is good reason for the inclusion of acidic ingredients in traditional recipes.

What is the world's smelliest fish?

The contest for the world's smelliest fish may be a tie between surströmming, Swedish for soured herring and Korean hongeohoe. Surströmming is fermented Baltic sea herring and hongeohoe is a skate that's been allowed to sit in storage for up to a month. Both do not acquire their powerful odors until humans have intervened and prepared them for consumption.

A Japanese study reported that a newly opened can of surströmming has one of the most putrid food smells in the world. It is normally eaten outdoors. Hongeohoe is eaten uncooked and emits an almost overwhelming smell of ammonia and leaves those who try it for the first time in tears.

This article originally appeared on Asbury Park Press: What makes fish smell? Answering your ocean questions