What Makes a Healthy Diet?

A healthy diet doesn't require a lot of money, fancy appliances or subsisting on any kind of restrictive eating plan. Eating well means listening to that little voice inside that knows what healthy foods generally look like -- fresh and recognizable in nature -- and what they don't: prepackaged and processed.

That sensibility may not fit so well with our on-demand culture, where we want results now -- whether it's dinner or weight loss. If you want a program that works in the long run, you'll need a lifestyle you can live with and like. That means a diet that's nutritious and delicious, and that will take a bit of meal planning and commitment from you.

[SEE: What Makes a Healthy Diet?]

While staying lean is a big part of good health, weight lost doesn't always equal health gained. That new diet that took inches off your waistline could be harming your health if it locks out or severely restricts entire food groups, relies on supplements with little scientific backing or clamps down on calories to an extreme.

"Keeping up with the latest diet craze is becoming a full-time job," says Lisa Jones, a registered dietitian in Philadelphia. "It's overwhelming." She notes that research can sometimes seem confusing. For example, one day you might read about a new study that says eating eggs is healthy. The next day, you learn about another that suggests consuming eggs could be bad for your heart health.

With our Best Diets 2022 rankings, you can check the nutritional completeness and safety of 40 popular diets, from Atkins to the health.usnews.com best-diet the-fertility-diet">Fertility Diet

WW (Weight Watchers)Best Diets for Healthy Eating