Making a bench from bottle caps

Mar. 1—GREENSBURG — As their yearly service project, members of Cub Scout Pack 574 collected bottle caps to be recycled into a park bench for donation to the Bread of Life soup kitchen as new outdoor seating.

Collecting and sorting caps for three years as their Service Project, with the local Kiwanis Club sponsoring, the Cubs collected plastic bottle caps from throughout the county, according to Packmaster Dana Foist.

"I think the idea culminated from a conversation I had with Melissa at Bread of Life about what the Scouts could do for the BOL," Foist said.

It's interesting to note that Pack 574, as well as Boy Scouts of America packs across the world, first announced it was going to include girls in 2017.

It was welcome news for many girls, who are now able to Scout beside their brothers and earn badges for girls and badges traditionally earned by boys.

Kiwanis has been a supporter of Boy Scouts of America since 1939, when Kiwanis International decided to become the Scouts Chartering Organization.

Kiwanis International is an international service club founded in 1915 in Detroit, Michigan. It is headquartered in Indianapolis and is found in more than 80 nations and geographic areas.

Since 1987, the organization has also accepted women as members. Kiwanis and its family of clubs boasts more than 600,000 members. Each year, Kiwanis clubs raise more than $100 million and report more than 18.5 million volunteer hours to strengthen communities and serve children.

Kiwanis provides leadership and service opportunities for youth through its Service Leadership Programs. Aktion Club, Key Club, Circle K, Builders Club and K-Kids are part of Kiwanis Service Leadership Programs. They are sponsored by a local Kiwanis club and receive funding and leadership guidance from Kiwanis.

The bench was produced in Evansville at Green Tree Plastics through their ABC Promise Partnership Program.

"The Bread of Life was chosen as the location for the bench as a way to celebrate the new building and to give patrons a place to sit for fellowship," Foist said.

Contact Bill Rethlake at 812-651-0876 or email