Malnutrition in the elderly is common but often ignored. Here's a simple way to fight it

Malnutrition is common in the elderly, but too often goes unnoticed because you cannot rely on appearances, and the warning signs may be subtle.

Often, the problem of malnutrition in the elderly is ignored because it is dismissed as a natural decline associated with aging. Although some decline with aging is to be expected, symptoms like chronic fatigue and tiredness, loss of strength, unintentional weight loss, depression, etc., may be signs of malnutrition.

The elderly are particularly vulnerable to malnutrition, and a major cause is an American diet. Our typical diet is high in processed foods loaded with saturated fat, sugar, and salt that provide limited nutritional value. In addition, we avoid vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, foods that are the core of a good diet.

If all this is true, why aren’t we, the general population of all ages, suffering from malnutrition?

More fruits and vegetables and fewer sugary snacks in your diet can help you combat diabetes.
More fruits and vegetables and fewer sugary snacks in your diet can help you combat diabetes.

The reason is we overeat, meaning that if you eat lots of garbage foods, even though the nutritional value is lacking, you likely can (due to the sheer volume of food intake) cover minimal nutritional needs. It’s like the old saying, “throw enough mud at a wall and some of it will stick.”

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The problem is older folks don’t throw enough mud.

Another way of saying this is to point out that at an early age, we decide what we like and don’t like to eat, and we settle into a lifelong pattern. As a result, when appetite falls off in older folks, they tend to eat a lot less of the same garbage foods they consumed all through life. In turn, their nutrient intake falls off too far to cover minimal needs.

How can I add more nutrients and protein to my diet?

I grew up in Pittsburgh and when I began to be concerned about health issues and learn about how a bad diet promotes heart disease, I believed the Pittsburgh diet — hello, perogies — must be the worst diet in the world. That belief was sustained until I moved to Louisville and discovered that the Kentucky diet is a step worse.

It’s the Pittsburgh diet fried!

My mother was raised on the Pittsburgh diet and sustained it into her 70s, a time when she began really slowing down. In the past, my mother was always eager to get out and about, but now she had no interest, no get up and go, and her weight was dropping steadily. Anita, my wife and a registered dietitian, recognized the symptoms and sat down with my mom, and analyzed her diet.

Mom’s eating pattern was etched in stone, scanty food intake with a remarkable lack of variety and nutritional value. We decided to intervene, but my mother is stubborn and was not about to give up her way of eating. As a compromise, she accepted that she would continue to eat her own way, but would drink a smoothie blend Anita concocted for her, loaded with protein and other nutrients, plus lots of calories.

The key was making it taste delicious, like a rich chocolate milkshake. At first, my mother was reluctant, but once she tasted the dominant chocolate flavor, she smiled, and we were off to the races.

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The blend was a huge step up in nutritional value, and we knew if she drank it completely, it would provide virtually all the nutrients she needed for the day, and it didn’t matter if the rest of what she ate provided only marginal helpful nutrients. After just a few weeks on the blend, she transitioned back to her old self, with increased energy and eagerness to participate in activities again.

A recipe for a superfood health blend to add nutrients to your diet

I have written about the blend in the past, and I know from readers that it has been a great benefit to many older folks. Bear in mind that my mother’s appetite had fallen way off, her weight was down, and she needed lots of calories, thus a good-tasting liquid she could drink that was loaded with calories and nutrients was the perfect solution. (NOTE: If weight loss is not a problem and you are satisfied with your weight, cut back on some contents of the blend to reduce overall calories.)

A word of caution. Because this blend is loaded, it's best to start with smaller 6-8-ounce portions at a time, perhaps three times throughout the day. Sip very slowly and take a long time to consume. Typically, I would take the first serving to my mother when she awoke late morning, and it didn’t take long before she looked forward with great anticipation to her morning fix.

My mother loved chocolate, but any flavoring you desire can work. Also while there are some unusual items in the blend, don’t worry, the strong chocolate flavor dominates.

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Add to the blender as follows:

  • Egg beaters (they are pasteurized and can be consumed raw). Two or three servings

  • A can of BOOST or BOOST PLUS supplement (loaded with nutrients – there are other supplements if you prefer)

  • A scoop of high-protein powder,chocolate-flavored (can use whey protein or soy protein)

  • A serving of "Benefiber" or other fiber supplements

  • Fruit, such as apple or orange, blueberries, banana, etc.

  • Three scoops of vanilla ice cream or frozen yogurt

  • Chocolate syrup (add as desired)

  • Grind up vitamin and mineral pills and add them

  • Fill the rest of the blender with milk, or soy milk (if lactose intolerant)

Reach Bryant Stamford, a professor of kinesiology and integrative physiology at Hanover College, at

This article originally appeared on Louisville Courier Journal: Tips on how to fight malnutrition in the elderly, recipe ideas