Malter and Logsdon face off in a Steuben County Legislature race. What to know

Republican Shannon Logsdon will face incumbent Democrat John Malter for a Steuben County Legislature seat representing Cohocton and Wayland in the Nov. 7 general election.

Malter, who served on the Steuben County Legislature for 12 years in the 1980s and 1990s and served for 10 years as the Town of Wayland Supervisor, was reelected to the seat eight years ago.

Logsdon is a lifetime resident of Wayland and Cohocton. She worked as a correction officer for the Steuben County Sheriff's Office for four years and is the owner of two local businesses, Shannon’s Family Barber and Ole Thyme Farm LLC.

Logsdon, Malter: Steuben County Legislature candidates

“I have been in private practice as a public accountant for the past 54 years and have served on the Steuben County Legislature for 20 years,” Malter said. “In the 1980s I helped put the financial systems in place that are still used today.”

Malter, who said he is "probably the most conservative Democrat that you will ever meet," said his experience on the Legislature is payback to the community for all it has done for him, and pointed to his work on a plan to provided faster ambulance service in the county.

John Malter
John Malter

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"That plan will be rolled out over the next few months.”

Logsdon said she and her husband Brian, a Steuben County Sheriff’s Lieutenant, are both active in the community and want to create a better future for their children and the residents of Steuben County.

“I feel that with my experience being a small local business owner, being involved with agriculture, law enforcement, and raising young children, that I have many resources to offer to our community,” she said.

Shannon Logsdon
Shannon Logsdon

More election coverage: Two candidates seeking Steuben County Legislative seat. What to know

Most important issues facing Steuben County Legislature

Malter said he feels the three most important issues facing the Steuben County Legislature are keeping county taxes down, providing safe and well-maintained roads and bridges, and providing public safety.

Logsdon said she believes the three most important issues facing the Steuben County Legislature are:

  • Investing in youth while providing safe and educational resources to develop future leaders

  • Building on and preserving natural resources and infrastructure to continue to make Steuben County a safe place to live, while providing opportunities for the future generations to come

  • Providing quality services to the community while being fiscally responsible.

This article originally appeared on The Leader: Cohocton, Wayland legislature seat: Who's running in 2023 election