Sleeping woman sexually assaulted, battered in Belleville home invasion. Man arrested

A man has been arrested after a reported home invasion and sexual assault of a woman in her 60s in Belleville, police say.

The suspect was injured when the car he allegedly stole crashed two hours away from the scene, according to Belleville Police, and is under guard at a Springfield hospital.

“This case is a worst nightmare scenario for an unsuspecting victim who was asleep in her home,” Assistant Police Chief Mark Heffernan said.

Heffernan said there is no known link between the man and the woman who was sexually assaulted and battered by the man, who allegedly forced his way into her home early Tuesday in the 1900 block of West A Street. The man escaped in the victim’s vehicle.

The name of the suspect will not be released until he is charged.

The suspect was injured in a crash in Shelby County, which is about 108 miles northeast of Belleville, and he is under guard by Belleville police officers in a Springfield hospital, Heffernan said.

“Belleville police believe the suspect in the case may be the suspect in additional felony cases in Missouri,” Heffernan said.

The suspect will be transferred to Belleville after he receives medical treatment.

“We will advocate for the victim and assist her through the legal process every step of the way,” Heffernan said. The department will dedicate every resource available to bring justice in this case, he said.

The investigations started when someone went to the victim’s home Tuesday afternoon to check on her dog and then found the victim, who was unable to call police.

Anyone with information about this case is asked to call the Belleville Police Department at 618-234-1212.