A man got worried when his cough lasted for weeks. Doctors found multiple masses in his lungs.

Man in hat coughs into gloved hand.
The man (not pictured) typically got a cold every fall as the seasons changed, and initially thought his cough was a cold too.Aitor Diago/Getty Images
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  • A man got a cough at the same time as his family, but after six weeks they'd got better and he hadn't.

  • He had hoped he would "just" need antibiotics to get over his illness, the ER doctor treating him wrote.

  • An X-ray revealed a large mass in his right lung that was "highly suspicious" for cancer, she wrote.

Doctors found masses in a man's lungs that were "highly suspicious" for cancer, after he got cold-like symptoms at the same time as his family but they recovered and he didn't, according to the emergency doctor that treated him.

The man, referred to only as Jason, went to the Emergency Room because he had felt unwell for six weeks and hoped he would just need antibiotics to "finally get over" his illness, Dr. Erika Kube, an emergency physician at Mid-Ohio Emergency Services, wrote in The Columbus Dispatch. But X-rays showed he had several masses in both of his lungs.

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states. Around 236,740 people in the US will get diagnosed with the condition this year and 130,180 people will die from it, the American Cancer Society estimates.

Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of the cancer, according to the CDC. People with family members who have had the condition may also be at increased risk — but we don't know whether that is due to genetics, or because they might also smoke, or also get exposed to chemicals in the environment, like radon, that can cause it too.

Jason thought he'd caught a cold, as he typically did during fall

Jason, who had smoked cigarettes since he was a teen, had a cough, intermittent fevers, and felt tired — taking naps multiple times a week, which was unusual for him, Kube wrote.

Jason told Kube that he and his family members experienced similar cold-like symptoms at the start of his illness, and he thought that was the cause because he typically caught one every fall. Multiple tests showed that Jason and his family didn't have COVID.

However, he became concerned when his family got better and he continued to cough. He didn't improve despite eating a healthier diet, taking vitamins, and smoking less. Smoking cigarettes caused "terrible coughing fits," Kube wrote.

Jason would feel better for a "few days," but then feel "lousy" again, she wrote.

According to the CDC, symptoms of lung cancer include: a cough that gets worse or doesn't go away, chest pain, shortness of breath, wheezing, unexplained weight loss, coughing up blood, feeling tired, and bouts of chest infections.

A large mass in his right lung was 'highly suspicious' for cancer

A chest X-ray revealed a large mass in his right lung and "several smaller masses" in both lungs that were "highly suspicious" for cancer, Kube wrote. Kube admitted him to hospital for further tests to confirm the diagnosis — it's possible Jason had a cold or chest infection as well as lung cancer — and figure out a plan for treatment.

Kube said that when she told Jason, whose father had died from lung cancer, about X-ray findings, he "took a deep breath and let out a large sigh."

"He knew something was wrong several weeks prior when he didn't bounce back like he typically did when he was sick," she wrote.

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