Can Man legacy continues with delivery of 750,000 tabs

Dec. 2—ANDERSON — The legacy of Larry VanNess, known affectionately around Anderson as the "Can Man," continues.

VanNess, who had collected millions of pop can tabs to donate to the Ronald McDonald House charity, died Oct. 24 at the age of 75 as the result of medical complications after being struck by a car in his hometown of Anderson.

In the month since VanNess died, local residents have collected and hand-counted 750,000 tabs, according to Rachel Landers, a close friend and caregiver of VanNess. On Monday, Landers will deliver those tabs to the Ronald McDonald House, which provides families with a child in the hospital free housing, meals and other services.

That will bring the total of tabs donated by VanNess or in his name to 27 million. The community has collected 200,000 additional tabs as a start toward increasing the total to 28 million.

VanNess started collecting tabs in 2003 after talking with a family at Shadyside Park about the Ronald McDonald House in Indianapolis near Riley Hospital for Children.

"We're going to keep doing it indefinitely," Landers said recently of collecting the tabs. "We're carrying on Larry's legacy."

She said community members want to continue the effort, as well, and that the list of participating businesses as a drop-off point has grown to 44 in recent weeks.

Follow Ken de la Bastide on Twitter @KendelaBastide, or call 765-640-4863.