Man posted tiger cub for sale on social media, Arizona cops say. Then police saw it

A man was arrested after listing a tiger cub for sale on social media, Arizona police said.

Police learned of a tiger cub put up for sale on Jan. 23, according to a news release from the Phoenix Police Department.

When officers first contacted the man, he offered to sell the cub for $25,000, according to court documents, The Arizona Republic reported. Officers negotiated the price down to $20,000.

Officers later served a search warrant at a home in Phoenix and rescued the cub, police said.

While serving the warrant, officers also found other animals at the home, including “baby snapping turtles and a baby American Alligator,” police said.

The Arizona Game and Fish Department is caring for the animals, the police department said.

The 25-year-old was booked into jail on counts of “possession of live wildlife and game and fish violations,” according to a Jan. 24 Facebook post from police.

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